Sharing Wisdom From 4,000 Past Life Regressions


“Death is absolutely safe!”
– Ram Dass

After guiding 4,000+ past life regressions over the past 20 years, I’ve noticed three common themes or soul lessons that often emerge during the latter part of the session when the earth life is over and is being reviewed from the vantage point of the soul. There is such wisdom in these lessons that I wanted to share them with you.

wisdom from 4000 past life regressionsImage by Hansuan Fabregas from Pixabay
  1. Do not live from fears or guardedness. You will regret the times that you allowed fears to hold you back or limit your life expression in any way. This is because you will be reflecting upon your life from the eternal aspect of you that has no fears, while the earth life is being viewed as though you were role playing in a sort of “practice test” to see how you lived that life. A common example is withholding your expression of love by guarding your heart from emotional pain. Other regrets include choosing security over pursuing a passion, love or joy, whether it be marrying for status and money instead of love or holding back on following a dream. As Wayne Dyer once said, “Don’t die with your music still left in you.”
  2. Be more proactive in creating your life experience rather than simply reacting to what life gives you. I’ve heard many variations of this same missed opportunity. Unfortunately, we cannot get through life without loss or failure because they are built into the human experience as a means for us as souls to evaluate how the human part of us chooses to respond to challenges. Loss or failure can limit or even destroy us, or it can make us stronger and wiser with a richer life experience. When we glimpse behind the scenes and view life as a temporary role-play, however, losses and failure don’t paralyze us as much. In other words, as we become more awake to our permanent identity, we become freer.
  3. Be more fully and consciously present in each moment of life to experience more joy. It reminds me of Emily’s famous line in the play Our Town, “Is anyone really aware of life while they’re living it?” This is a theme that we all can relate to as we often go through life in our heads rather than appreciating the underlying love and beauty that is available in each instant, often only noticing it when it’s gone.

We can understand these lessons intellectually, but yet not fully feel and experience the truth of this wisdom. The value of past life regression is that it can allow us to integrate deeper soul truths at the level of the body and subconscious mind, thus helping us to more easily live from them in our daily lives. This is because towards the end of the session, the background noise of the thinking mind is silent and you are fully anchored in the here and now, which is actually a higher dimension of your being that is saturated in peace, love and clarity. You are more deeply connected to the soul part of you that is always ‘here’ and never goes away…not only throughout the years of your life as the body ages, but even long after the body is left behind. In other words, you get a chance to experience your true self as the eternal being that you always were and will be. As the sage Leonard Jacobson said, “We are all on a journey to become that which we already are!”


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Eric J. Christopher
Eric J. Christopher has a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a certified hypnotherapist. His life passion has been to spiritually awaken and help clients do the same by guiding them to connect to their inner wisdom and higher self that can uncover and heal the roots of limiting fears and beliefs. He specializes in past-life regression therapy, life-between-lives therapy, and also present-life deep emotional healing of the body and subconscious mind. He has a private practice in St. Paul. To learn more, visit


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