Starcodes: February 10-16


Starcodes for the week of February 10-16, 2023

This Valentine’s Day we may not be feeling particularly pink and romantic, but the stars can open our hearts to compassion and help us make the day a Metta loving-kindness meditation and beam it out to the whole world. The stars know we need it – see it here

Two tricky aspects bookend this Valentine’s Day and ask us to take the world, but not ourselves, seriously; Mercury conjuncts Pluto on Friday and the Sun conjuncts Saturn the following Thursday. These are fast-moving if intense transits. They don’t ask us to get depressed, though they can bring up serious matters, but do ask us to be fully alive in the face of our concerns.

We get a glimpse of mortality as the weekend begins – either close by or in the news – through images of the Turkish/Syrian earthquake and more, as mental Mercury conjuncts intense Pluto, symbol of life, death, and transformation. This aspect can also bring out more paranoia or worry than a floating Chinese balloon, so process all feelings but watch where the mind goes, and work with the mental muscles to stay realistic, level-headed, and solution-oriented.

We may need to accept a tough fact or look at our worst-case scenarios and plan for it. Once we’ve done that, we don’t necessarily have to live through those worst-case scenarios, we just we need to know we can. Then turn on our imagination towards the best that could happen – and take a step in that direction.

Towards the end of the week the Sun conjuncts Saturn and encourage us to inventory our life, notice what makes us feel safe and secure, be honest about our situation and what work we have left to do. But we can take it all way too seriously and need to keep a kind perspective, both towards ourselves and others.

Sandwiched between these heavy aspects, Mercury enters Aquarius this weekend and brings us all up in other people’s business for the next few weeks, either through a gossipy edge or an enhanced sense of social awareness and responsibility. We choose how we run with it.

The Moon heads into Scorpio Saturday through Monday, which adds to that serious edge, but can also make it deeply satisfying to contribute to something real and wonderful. Venus and Mercury are still in mutable signs, Venus is exalted in sensitive Pisces bringing our feelings close to the surface. Mars is in communicative, nervous Gemini, still out of bounds which can spin our busy thoughts into over-thinking or nervous reaction when our adrenaline activates.

Valentine’s Day could bring a touch of magic if we don’t load it up with expectations. Venus and Neptune conjunct under a more playful and active Sagittarius Moon, which can both help us idealize romance and cause pain where our life is far from that ideal. That conjunction also brings a creative, spiritual, and artistic note, can help us remember this is an Aquarian holiday; we can exercise our heart chakra and meditatively or pragmatically love the world. Give Valentines to all we know – just like we did in second grade. Thursday brings us back to work, and to our personal inventory, as the Sun conjunct Saturn.

Starcodes week of February 10 through 16

Friday, February 10: Expect a denouement, turning point, or plot twist as Mercury conjuncts Pluto-though let’s not assume we know what it means because we can’t see very far down that road yet. Stay in the moment, take appropriate action to the day, and process feelings. Focus productively, rather than obsessively, midday and don’t get caught in other people’s obsessions. Share stories and support this evening as the mood softens while the Moon trines the sun.

Moon trine Mars 2:24 AM, Mercury conjunct Pluto 10:15 AM, Moon trine Sun 8:38 PM.

Saturday, February 11: The world feels serious and so can our problems under an introverted Scorpio Moon, but we don’t have to go it alone. Reach for or create a supportive network as Mercury enters sociable Aquarius. Others may equally need support, so hold hands together. Enjoy the sensation of generosity tonight as the Sun semi-squares Jupiter. Some bullies may be confused about that process but don’t give into them.

Mercury enters Aquarius 4:22 AM, Moon trine Saturn 6:07 AM, Moon square Pluto 9:41 AM, Mars sextile Chiron 11:04 AM, Moon enters Scorpio 11:34 AM, Moon square Mercury 12:26 PM, Sun semi-square Jupiter 11:49 PM.

Sunday, February 12: Don’t just move furniture around this unsettled day, consider the ramifications before making an emotional, mental, or physical change so it only needs to be done once as the Moon opposes Uranus. Look for the real changes needed underneath, they are probably more existential and emotional rather than physical.

Moon opposed Uranus 3:42 PM.

Monday, February 13: Early morning could bring hopeful dreams but by midday, work, responsibilities, or feeling the heaviness of the world can dampen our spirits, though it can be a very efficient time to tackle a tough task. The mood lightens by evening as the Moon enters Sagittarius, but we still have a lot on of important work and weighty thoughts on our plate.

Moon trine Venus 3:16 AM, Moon trine Neptune 7:48 AM, Moon square Sun 9:00 AM, Moon square Saturn 1:53 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 4:51 PM, Moon enters Sagittarius 6:31 PM.

Tuesday, February 14: Share the love this Valentine’s Day, connect with people of like mind and take the stress off romantic expectations – which will tend to burble up no matter what we do as Venus approaches a conjunction with Neptune. Get out the arts supplies and make a Valentine for the soul, Valentines for all the neighbors. Make good communal decisions today, get the team together to make important aesthetic or creative decisions. No one wants us to sit still for very long with the Sagittarius Moon opposed Mars, we can be impatient with each other unless we’re moving and feeling some progress. The dogs need a walk and so do we.

Moon sextile Mercury 1:39 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 9:55 AM, Moon trine Chiron 550 5:33 PM, Moon opposed Mars 7:06 PM.

Wednesday, February 15: Make a compassionate decision this morning, connect with beloveds, share caring and look for beauty as Venus perfects its conjunction with Neptune and the Sagittarius Moon squares both. Most of us could feel a bit emotional, raw, in need of hope and positivity, though not particularly romantic. Our thoughts grow more practical this evening as the Moon enters competent Capricorn.

Venus conjunct Neptune 5:25 AM, Moon square Neptune 12:05 PM, Moon square Venus 12:42 PM, Moon sex tile Sun 5:03 PM, Moon sextile Saturn 6:05 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 9:59 PM.

Thursday, February 16: We’ll feel younger in a few days, but right now the weight of age, whether we’re seven or seventy, could sit heavily as the Sun conjunct Saturn. This is not to make us feel bad or old, but to make sure that we are on track. At the end of our life (may that be far away) we can look back at this time in our journey and say we did what we needed to do.

Sun conjunct Saturn 9:48 AM, Moon square Jupiter 9:59 PM, Moon square Chiron 7:46 PM, Sun semi-square Chiron 10:43 PM, Moon trine Uranus 10:55 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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