The Death of Ego


Sitting here ready to write but with no words, laptop nestled in my lap, the living room dimly lit, I notice it is outdated but cozy as I searched my mind, maybe my soul for inspiration. How do I reach you, the reader? What do you need from me to help advance your thought process, enlightenment, or self? I was gazing out the window watching the shadows change across my lawn as the day grew darker with the impending night and it reminded me of how without the balance of day and night, we would not have the earth as we know it. Nature, perfectly balanced. Then Spirit impressed upon me the importance of balance in our lives. The importance of balance with our Ego.

death of the egoImage by Caroline Veronez from Unsplash

Ego. Defined in psychoanalysis as the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity. Yet in philosophy of metaphysics, it is defined as a conscious thinking subject. Why does it matter?

In this aspect I like to view the ego not from Freudian identification of Id, Ego, and Super Ego but from the psychoanalytic theory, that portion of the human personality which is experienced as the “self” or “I” and is in contact with the external world through perception.

Now just like Themis’ scale the ego and perception must balance each other. If you really think about it, Themis is said to be the mother of Prometheus and bestowed upon him knowledge. So, in this reality the gift of knowledge came from Themis which means to gain knowledge ego and perception must be balanced!

Ego can be beneficial, and it changes with the perception of every situation. When our ego is in a constant flux based on perceptions it makes balance difficult. To gain balance one must learn to develop and grow while maintaining and assessing each situation. Master control like you would over a petulant child, setting boundaries and keeping yourself in check even when the situation pushes you deep into bravado. Do not allow the perception to dictate your ego, this is when control and self are lost.

In my spiritual journey, within the growth of my relationship with Spirit, Self, and my abilities I grieved my Ego after it’s brutal death. This is life, to advance within our Spiritual journey we do need to experience this death, the slaughter of what we thought we were. The death of our Ego as we grow in our spiritual journey just allows us to let go. Letting go, dropping off perceptions instilled in us by society allows us to move into who and what Spirit has always planned, making us one with our journey.

This is not an easy process. You will become insatiable for the truth, the light, to be free – it will be worth it, and you are not alone. Master yourself, one process at a time and live your truest life.

“Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.”
– Epicurus

Thank you for taking time to read this blog. I am here, sending you inspiration, insight, and strength for what lies ahead in your own self-discovery and connection with Spirit. I hope somewhere between the lines of what I share and don’t fully say you find inspiration and revelations about yourself and your own journey. Please, if so inspired leave a comment. Your feedback will help me better generate topics suited to you, the reader.


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Stephanie Lynn
Stephanie Lynn has a degree in Criminal Justice and currently works in the public education system supporting special education students. She is a contributing writer for The Edge Magazine. Stephanie is a certified psychic medium and spiritual life coach. Stephanie devotes her life to work with Spirit in supporting, educating and healing of others. She also hosts a weekly podcast "Chat with Charlie" live every Thursday on WLTKDB.


  1. Hi, Stephanie.
    Great article. Over the past several years, the way I see people and the world around me has changed drastically. I see more on a spiritual level than a human/ego level. Not always, of course. I am still human and I am here to experience that. But mostly, I am able to not be affected by other people’s actions and reactions like I was before.
    This wasn’t something I had to strive to do. This was a side effect of learning to meditate, learning to forgive myself, which in turn led to learning to love myself (work in progress), which in turn led to letting go of resentments.
    So, it was like, the more I did to just try and raise my vibration and work on myself, and just learn about the things I’m most curious about, the more the outward things fell into alignment.
    I know now that when someone acts negatively toward me, it’s not about me. It’s about them and the lesson that they’re inside of at that moment. One day, they’ll be on the other side of it. I’ve got my own stuff that I’m learning. If I give them negative energy back, I could be slowing their progress by lowering their vibration and my own as well. And if I internalize it, which used to be what I would do, that’s not loving myself, which blocks me from fully accepting love from others.
    We all react according to how we feel inside Our fears and insecurities, vulnerabilities, etc. If we know that’s what the other person is actually expressing, it’s easier to not take things personally, whereas my ego would have obsessed about it. Internalized it.
    Anyway, sorry for such a long comment. I just enjoy talking about this stuff. It’s exciting to me. Thank you for writing.


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