Cannabis for the Soul


Hey folks! As a Cannabis Nurse I spend much of my time educating others on the benefits of cannabis for the body and mind, but I have not spent nearly enough time focusing on how cannabis can be beneficial to our soul when combined with meditation. Cannabis is an ancient plant that has deep roots in the known history of the earth and has been utilized as a tool to help our minds and bodies connect deeper with our soul through meditation for many generations.

cannabis for the soul meditationImage by brenkee from Pixabay

Before you jump right in and use cannabis with meditation, there are some topics that need to be discussed. Meditation is not something that is easy for everyone to learn. Like anything else, time, practice and patience is needed to master this skill. Cannabis is the same idea and can be a negative experience if too much is ingested. Take the time to educate yourself on what you are using and evaluate what your goals are. Are you looking to calm your mind? Do you need help with your creative flow? Do you need to relax your body in order to calm your mind? Cannabis can help with each of these areas. The key is to find out what works for you. I always recommend a low and slow approach and an open mind with a goal of finding just the right amount for you.

Cannabis products can be ingested through multiple pathways. The most commonly used products for meditation improvement are products containing elevated levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) for the psychoactive effect Most commonly used through inhalation with vape pens and smoking, or through ingestion with oils and gummies. Ingestion can take 45 minutes to 2 hours before any cannabis effects are felt. Inhalation has an onset within minutes and is often the most preferred way to use for meditation as it offers more control on the amount of ingestion. Some people do not want to ingest THC and utilize products that are high in CBD (cannabidiol) and contain low or no amounts of THC. This will be a different experience but I encourage everyone to use what works best for you in your life.

In my own experience, inhaling just the right amount of cannabis prior to meditating has allowed me many benefits. It eases the noise of my thoughts of daily life and calms my mind, supporting an easy flow to the start of my meditation, an area I often struggle with. Cannabis also helps me open a creative channel that assists me to develop better imagery for set and setting within my mediation. This completely increases the vibe I’m trying to achieve.

My mind often wanders during meditation and occurs more for me when using cannabis. This is great for times when I’m meditating for no particular purpose other than connection and healing. These are the best times for me to enjoy creative thought development and to muster through some of the problems that are occurring in life. I often keep a notebook with me in order to record some of the best parts of the meditation when I’m done.

The elevation effects of THC within cannabis often last longer than the average meditation, so that should be taken into consideration. Inhalation will last about 2-4 hours while ingestion can last many more. Duration of effect is based on the amount of ingestion/inhalation, strength of product, and cannabis history. If your schedule is open, I recommend trying to meditate for a longer period of time to discover where your journey brings you!

While cannabis might not be something everyone wants to use, a large part of our culture has completely embraced this plant into their daily life, especially as a meditative tool. I encourage an open mindset and diligent education when it comes to all things cannabis. Feel free to reach out to me at to further this discussion or to share your experience.


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Nate Crotteau, RN, BSN, PHN
Nate Crotteau, RN, Cannabis Nurse. Holistic Wellness Services retail store is located in Moose Lake, MN. Learn more about them at Reach out to Nate at


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