As we move through the crossroads into a new year, it’s time to learn the art and science of creating and living in JOY! If your intention is to live in joy this year, you will be offered many powerful opportunities to create, celebrate and share the power of joy. Power is an amazing vibrational energy; it gives you confidence, control, and strength to handle whatever needs to be accomplished. Joy is also an amazing experience; it encourages feelings of pleasure, jubilation, and ecstasy to whatever you are experiencing.
Image by Kelli McClintock from Unsplash
I believe for me the magic of creating my joy has been and continues to be inspired by three things – my passion, my purpose, and lots of endless possibilities. I have come to believe “When you know who you are (passion), you know what to do (purpose); and when you know what to do, you can create your joy filled life (possibilities)”. I’m going to give you 3 Golden Nuggets that I use for finding my joy – my powerful joy word, my powerful joy number, and my powerful joy symbol.
Golden Nugget #1 – My power word is AND. When you add the word AND to your vocabulary, you have opened yourself to endless possibilities. Usually we say, “I could do this, or I could do that”. Instead, say, “I could do this AND I could do that”. The word OR is about making a limited choice. The word AND is about unlimited choices, it gives you the ability to create.
Golden Nugget #2 – My power number is THREE. This number is the secret to start creating your life. You must have three or more choices. Once you get to three, you can go to infinity. Lao Tsu, the ancient Chinese philosopher says, “Tao gives birth to One; One gives birth to Two; Two gives birth to Three; Three gives birth to Ten Thousand Things.”
Golden Nugget #3 – My power symbol is the TRIANGLE. The triangle is my magical tool for creating. It gives me a place to start, a place to focus my attention, and a place to list my actions for me to do. The magic of triangulation; know who and what, and you can find out how or where. When you have two of the three pieces of your desire, the third piece begins to reveal itself. Unlike words, symbols are an intergalactic communication. There is coded knowledge hidden in symbols. Symbols speak to us as a universal language. The shape of the triangle symbol transmits a frequency that engages the knowingness of our subconscious mind to allow a form of pure communication from our intuitive mind.
There is great power when you create with joy. In this year of joy, I plan to find it and live in it. I will be the Joy Bringer. When I have inner joy, I can find joy in everything. No matter what is happening around me, I see the spark of joy. My burning desire this year is to live in joy!
A new Adventure begins…
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