Anytime I’ve been stuck in life, letting go of old perceptions and attitudes brings in new possibilities that are better than I could imagine!
Energetically, outdated beliefs and perceptions put up walls in our energy field keeping optimal outcomes from coming in to assist us. It’s as though we put up barricades to our best answers by thinking in an outdated way. By releasing these old beliefs and perceptions, the barricades/walls go away so that new things can come in to help us.
How do we do this? A technique that’s worked for me is to set the intention that I want a perception and attitude change that brings my consciousness beyond the normal human perceptions and attitudes so that I can resolve the issue at hand most optimally. You can also make this a general intention for your life asking to shift onto your optimal path with ease and grace.
Image by Sourabh Barua from Unsplash
Once I set my intention, I act like I know nothing, recognizing that the beliefs, perceptions and attitudes that still work for me will stay while those that are outdated will drift away.
Many times I meditate on my intention of “acting like I know nothing so new things can come in for me.” I pay attention to my body’s reaction to this intention and stay present to any sensations, emotions and images that come into my awareness. The goal is to become a witness to what’s happening to your body which will typically move out anything in the way of your intention.
How do we know we’ve done this? You will typically feel a lightness in your head and body and excitement for the unknown and what it can bring. If fears and worries come in, you can tell yourself “worry blocks resolution.” Worry is another outdated way of functioning in life that puts up walls in the energy field blocking optimal solutions to come in. It’s better to have a “blank” mind that’s receptive to new thoughts that come from the Higher Self which is our Spirit that is eternal.
How do we know it’s our Higher Self speaking to us? If the answers come in with a lot of stress and thinking, then it’s definitely not the Higher Self! The Higher Self brings in answers that are light, airy and bring in peace. The Higher Self also brings in answers through other people. This has happened to me many a time. I’ll have a challenge in my life, research it, try different solutions and find nothing works.
Once I hit the wall where nothing is working, I know that the answer won’t be anything I’ll find on my own. Typically someone enters my life, with knowledge in the area I need, and the knowledge is just what I need to proceed. They may introduce me to another person who has knowledge or suggest an article or book.
It’s all part of our Higher Self’s brilliant way of giving us a new answer or new ways of looking at life.
We are in a time of great change on the planet. All the turmoils and difficulties are breaking apart the old so we can proceed totally differently. Asking for a perception and attitude change will make the transition into the new much easier for you since there are no barriers to you manifesting a wonderful new phase for yourself!
This is passed along to others due to our interconnectedness with everybody and everything Changing yourself does help others. Let’s all join hands and do this work together. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.
Many blessings,
Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded the School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops and also experience through her energetically healing audios. Some of the protocols are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Sample the Daily Energetic Healing audio for free.
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