You may have seen an unsuspecting individual approached with a surprise reading and may have thought it cool and exciting. What happens is the receiver’s soul was entered without their agreement. This leaves them unprepared and not of benefit in the long term for the receiver. A person’s soul should never be used for entertainment purposes as in the case of a surprise read for viewers’ enjoyment. Respect is the imperative word.
Is it ok to accept a reading from a stranger who offers it to you for free? Not so much. You are not being done a favor by being solicited with a free impromptu psychic reading. It puts you at a disadvantage when a stranger walks up to you with no prompting to give their statements and advice as a one-sided dialog. Usually starting off with something that puts you ill at ease, seems magical, or moves you into worry could be general or even “hits” on a few things.
Often this method is used as bait to get you hooked into spending money for more information and sometimes *spells, *talismans, *herbs *incense, *palmistry *soul retrievals & extractions, or more. This “free” reading now becomes an unintended concern and expense.
It could also be a way to psychically hook in and siphon power from you at the time and could continue. Yes, there are those who do this with intention and have no morals, or credibility or are absolute frauds.
It may have seemed like a blessing at the time. But in reality, it is a violation of privacy and you are being manipulated by what you may feel is a “gift”. You’re unprepared and it leaves you vulnerable. Often with partial information and questions unanswered, sometimes for years living in fear of what was or wasn’t said regardless of who you are. You have no way of knowing what experience, mental stability, or even if any of what was said is relevant. It’s a lure and disrespectful at best. Just because they can do it does not make it ok.
Always keep your power even if that means closing the spiritual doors to these free offers of otherworldly information seemingly sent from God, Angels, Ascended Masters etc. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not, always trust your intuition. Have no regrets, do your research first. Want an ethical professional reading contact a professional whom you have researched, ask for personal referrals, or get an introduction reading at an event.
I’ve lost count as to how many times throughout the years I have had new clients come in, for the first time, asking me to tell them what that unsolicited information meant and it has governed their lives with this vague or partial information, leaving them trying to figure it out years later.
To find out what someone else told you would require me to go into that person’s soul to piggyback on what they told you, which is equivalent to psychic breaking and entering and a violation of their privacy, which I will not do.
Know that the “generous” provider of the free reading had to first invade your mind, body, and soul to steal this “free information” all garnered without your permission. For your highest good immediately decline this approach, it is a violation, and if the person offering this information does mean you well they will accept your decline amicably without pressuring you.
With that said there are exceptions to every rule, as in the case of a true emergency where your guides have stepped in with very clear information along with validations and markers ∞ as proof of the truth of the prevention and subsequent safety call, it’s a rare event and the professional psychic/medium who is called upon to accept the information must agree first and ask you if you are receptive to receive the information to prepare you for the session.
You always have free will and if you say no, the information will come again. Your guides love you and are focused on your highest good. Best to hire a professional psychic/medium when you are ready and prepared and a provider of your choosing. If the urgency is immediate, it will already be in action. IE; as in spirit/angel taking the wheel of your vehicle to prevent an accident.
If you and your friends get together for fun to practice your own personal intuition for each other you are all in agreement to practice with expectations you are having fun and not receiving a professional consultation.
There may be times when a student in the intuitive arts needs volunteers to practice with and you may find them at an event or private class with the instructor or in their home. They may or may not charge a small sum or ask for donations for you allowing them access to your soul for said practice. Always ask what their intent is and how they will use your information before agreeing and if it will be held in confidence. Get some background on the person you are letting in and how long they have been studying the Intuitive Arts, so that you may understand how and what style they are practicing and what information may come through for you, and if it feels comfortable to you.
It is always a good idea to find out who your professional is and most welcome the opportunity to answer your questions in regard to their business openly without hesitation. If they are a professional at an event, they will be there for the purpose of meeting new clients and providing introductory sessions so that you may experience them and the method in which they work. If it’s fit then book with them privately in-office or by phone.
Questions to ask to ascertain if they are an intuitive student or professional Intuitive so that you can set your expectations, financially and otherwise.
Is this their full-time business or hobby? If not full-time, ask why?
If a hobbyist/student do they plan on going professional? Shows dedication to gaining knowledge as intuitive.
If hobbyists, what is their full-time livelihood? Shows how intuitive hobbies and other businesses intersect.
Do they take clients when not at an event? If not, then most likely solely for cash revenue.
Do they have actual testimonials? Word of mouth from actual clients speaks volumes.
Do they provide public galleries? This will show credibility as a medium when factual validations are made. Galleries are for demonstrative purposes of life hereafter and are not to be considered a personal or complete reading.
Have a hosted website or a free site? Shows longevity and solidity as a business as hosted websites are not free.
How many years in business as an intuitive professional? This means being a registered business paying taxes and keeping records.
What are their credentials and are they posted? Understand who they are with some background.
Check BBB records and do they have one? Shows if there are complaints or compliments.
Is it a cash-only service? Money-making venture only, watch out.
Do they accept credit cards as their listed business? Shows they have taken the steps as an Intuitive business to be accountable for income generated from that business. If from another business may be an income-generating venture.
Business registered with the state? Shows they are indeed an intuitive business and how long in the business.
Look for the markers of a business. Fees are commensurate with experience (years as a professional Intuitive) and overhead and call and demand of services.
*Only licensed qualified therapists can offer their trained opinions and advice and are governed by ethics committees.
*There are gifted professionals who are well-versed in Herbalism, Incantations and Talismans, Soul retrievals & Extractions. They would not just approach you, you would have to inquire about their services and schedule a session.