Change Inspires Freedom

In May you will be offered time out, a break from following the rules and staying on task to Know Thy Self. May’s 5-vibrational energy will be inspiring you to make some necessary changes to your plans. May’s 5-energy is craving freedom and wants you to be free to do whatever you want. The powerful 5-vibration always wants to be the rebel and to create a little chaos. Why? Just to see what will happen. May’s energy wants you to travel, be curious, and have a few rule-breaking experiences.

change inspires freedomImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

You might ask what the purpose is of having unpredictable experiences happen to you while you are doing your best to achieve measurable results. Let’s look at the “Chaos Theory”. Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the unexpected. Most traditional science deals with supposedly predictable phenomena like gravity, electricity, or chemical reactions. Chaos Theory deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like turbulence, weather, the stock market, our brain states, and so on.

May’s rebellious energy encourages you to be mindful, present, and alert to the energies that create changes in your life. You are being taught to expect the unexpected. May’s 5-vibrational energy creates these lessons about change so you will have a powerful vibrational energy to guide you and help you when necessary. The innate energy tool being energized for you this month is your intuition. 2023’s 7-vibrational energy is merging with May’s 5-vibrational energy. Together they are a 12/3 energy that will give you many creative ideas to navigate chaos and change when they appear.

On the fun side of May’s energy alignment, you will be prompted to take several “time out” breaks. This month is also a time to refresh and renew your inner vitality, your inner spirit. If you are like most people, you are very responsible and taking a day off or even a short vacation would be unrealistic when there is so much for you to do. May’s energy craves freedom. If chaos happens, it may be an intuitive signal for you to pause and rethink your priorities.

More good news! May’s energy is very magnetic. If you are seeking to make more money, May’s energy will draw that money to you when you stay in alignment of who you are and what you are here to do. If you are searching for love, this month’s magnetic 5-energy will bring this to you if you love who you are being and love what you are doing.

May’s learning lessons this month are:

  1. Identify what brings you the feeling of being free to do whatever you desire.
  2. Accept the Chaos Theory that is designed for you to be aware that changes happen suddenly.
  3. May’s 5-vibrational energy is magnetic, become clear about what you want.

The powerful 5-vibrational energies of May are a strong force to shift old patterns and behaviors. Used wisely, they will be a welcome ally.


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