Starcodes for the week of May 5-11, 2023
It could be a tricky week with a Lunar eclipse, Sun/Uranus conjunction, Mercury retrograde, and a few tough aspects with Venus, so, when possible, enjoy the moment and build up strength and resilience. Hold hands and enjoy the spring sunshine.
Friday brings a moody full Moon in Scorpio – lunar eclipse which can help us shift gears if we’re stuck, helps us adapt to new circumstances already underway, but can also precipitate unexpected changes. Like the spring burning of fields and ditches this eclipse can clear the ground for new growth as it releases last year’s crop in a rather flammable way. Expect dramatic statements in the headlines and shuffling of personnel, a breakdown of what is not stable so that we can rebuild on more solid ground.
But let’s get specific, we don’t have to burn the house down to make a change. Because Mercury is still retrograde, it’s good to use this time to consider possibilities, clean the house and clear the ground but wait to pursue the future towards the end of the month.
After this clearing Friday and early Saturday, the Moon enters Sagittarius and calls us out to frolic where we can. Wander and garden, be amazed by the budding natural world. We could be called to speak our truth or share at a new level of personal honesty, but remember that words have consequences, so let’s make them good ones.
Move with care and speak with kindness. With this retrograde Mercury in Taurus misunderstandings and hurt feelings proliferate. Both the eclipse energy and Venus – as it enters self-protective Cancer on Sunday and aspects Pluto – can trigger emotional withdrawal or a desire to cut someone out just when we really need to take a deep breath and hold hands. Then find one thing agreed upon and nurture it.
Support one another rather than get crabby or blaming when faced with a challenge, particularly if either party is dealing with uncertainty at work or is trying to adjust to a new situation. Unless it really is time to say goodbye and end the relationship, in which case this eclipse can help blow it up. The effect of this eclipse will resonate for at least a month.
This need and encouragement to adapt to new circumstances continues through Tuesday as the Sun conjuncts Uranus, the cosmic clutch. Look for hints about the next chapter, but let it birth organically rather than try to make it happen. It can feel like a conundrum as Mercury retrograde calls us to look backwards while the Sun conjunct Uranus calls us forwards to a different future. But we can glean lessons from the past, while not getting stuck there. Like the banking industry, we need to review what happened, what needs to be fixed, and get down to it to create a stronger future.
Remember not everything that is said these weeks will actually occur, we’ll see when Mercury turns direct next week what is solid, and what sounded like a good idea but will not further. Consider not announcing a presidential run or company start up this week, wait a week and see where things are when the dust settles.
Friday, May 5: Thunder clouds could rumble, and not all of them are outside. Investigate but don’t look under a rock unless you honestly want to know what’s under there. Let’s think about what we’d really like to understand, uncover, and release under this full Scorpio Moon- lunar eclipse at 11:34 AM MDT. Sidestep other people’s power trips. Ready the garden; weed, uncover lies, find hidden problems, and clear the ground. Where all is solid, everything will be fine, but structures or relationships built on shaky ground or false premises feel the tremor. Be kind and authentically curious.
Moon opposed Mercury 1:15 AM, Moon opposed Sun, lunar eclipse 11:34 AM, Moon opposed Uranus 6:13 PM, Moon trine Mars 11:50 PM.
Saturday, May 6: Moods shift like the spring winds. Morning is internal, thoughtful, we may need to wander in our own world. But that changes midday as the Moon enters Sagittarius and calls us back out into the springtime, into connection and collaboration. Double check for last minute changes in plans and allow for the breath of spontaneity.
Moon trine Neptune 8:37 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 2:03 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 2:14 PM.
Sunday, May 7: We can feel an impulsive urge for change, any change, just difference- over the next few days as the Sun conjunct Uranus, but since we can’t see too far ahead with Mercury retrograde, it is probably best to keep this restlessness focused on short term projects. Be suspicious of change for change’s sake as Venus quincunx Pluto; take a day off rather than end a relationship, plant flowers or buy clothes rather than choose a house color. Experience life as a range of motion exercise and stretch the soul and the body– but think through long-term decisions with care and foresight.
Moon square Saturn 12:12 AM, Venus enters Cancer 8:24 AM, Venus quincunx Pluto 4:10 PM.
Monday, May 8: We may need extra time just to get back on track this fuzzyheaded morning as the Moon squares Neptune; focus returns this afternoon when the Moon trines Jupiter then enters Capricorn. Check in with short-term goals and make sure everyone’s on track and on the same page, because that can be a challenge. Evening could feel cranky or perfunctory, so give people room to feel out of sorts or distracted as the Moon opposes Venus.
Moon square Neptune 12:22 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 2:27 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 5:32 PM, Moon opposed Venus 8:19 PM.
Tuesday, May 9: Changes are afoot, make sure they align with goals and aren’t just arbitrary as the Sun conjunct Uranus midday. Watch out for strange earth tremors and those few who want to push changes just so they can affect the world under this ambitious but easily frustrated Capricorn Moon. Do the homework and ground those changes or they will be undone again in a few weeks.
Moon sextile Saturn 3:38 AM, Moon trine Mercury 5:27 AM, Sun conjunct Uranus 1:55 PM.
Wednesday, May 10: Events are on the move with a strangely competitive edge as the Moon opposes Mars and squares Jupiter. Look for trouble on military or personal battlefields and choose fights carefully. This Mars energy can also be channeled into muscular efforts to move and shape our world for good. Evening can bring compassion for the global community; we could have a melancholic moment and worry about the world as the Moon enters Aquarius and conjunct Pluto. One act of good helps, support a friend, donate to a cause, email a senator- envision a better world.
Moon trine Uranus 1:32 AM, Moon trine Sun 2:19 AM, Moon opposed Mars 10:38 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 3:03 PM, Moon square Jupiter 5:52 PM, Moon enters Aquarius 8:05 PM, Moon conjunct Pluto 8:39 PM.
Thursday, May 11: Social-emotional discontent can make us want to talk to strangers, or at least the people we have spoken to in a while as Venus semi-squares Uranus. It may be time to check in on old contacts or old friends, but let’s not pick up a toxic habit where we left off. Some people belong in our past, not our present.
Venus semi-squares Uranus 12:41 AM, Moon square Mercury 6:45 AM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins