Over the Hump by Kate Mura of Group Tarot
A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each of these is reworked intentionally for The Edge, from the egregore of Group Tarot’s Card of the Week, to center education, diversity, and intuition.
Partial content copyright 2023 Group Tarot. Used with permission.
This week I am back in my backyard
bathed in red light, as those are the faery light colors we have on our back porch. Red, orange some purples – my favorite color – and dim yellow balls.
For some reason, unknown to us, squirrels sometimes try to chew on these.
They are not weird plastic fruit!
Starting today, Wednesday July19, 2023, Rosemary Harris of Good Journeys Tarot and I are teaming up to co-host, Tarot Deck Diving.
An online, informal gathering of cartomancers.
Have a new deck you want to play with in a safe, skilled, helpful space?
Want to geek out about tarot with other Cartomancers and tarot curious folx?
Thinking about purchasing a deck but want to see it in action first?
Then this is for you!
Link to join is third down on my Linktree.
All our red and orange lights are an appropriate backdrop for Card of the Week, as Field Guide to Garden Dragons called out to share – and could be one of the decks I bring tomorrow!
Let’s see which one wants to share and inspire energy this week…
Coconut Dragon
Oooh…. I am reminded of something I was taught years ago.
In the capitalist notion of multi-tasking – not to be confused with how our bodies are literally able to multitask constantly:
Breathing, heart beating, moving, all at the same time before doing anything else is added on!
The capitalist idea of multitasking, doing multiple work related things at the same time – is frequently a fallacy.
Most of the time we are focusing on one task at a time, just for short durations, going back and forth, so it seems like everything is happening simultaneously.
For some brains this is incredibly helpful, because we only have to do one thing at a time, there just may be multiple projects to vacillate between.
Get ready to do a lot this week! Prepare for it, so you have all the nourishing things you need to take care of yourself if things get hectic.
Like coconuts – and coconut dragons – you also may find a time this week when getting a wide, birds eye perspective is helpful. I’m reminded of the “eyes” of a coconut. That’s not what they’re called, they’re called pores, but they kinda look like eyes. How would your situation look from the top of a tree? Or in motion, like falling out of a tree?
There is also a reminder of layers. Underneath the coarse brown rind is a sweet fleshy layer, and then a delicious, nutritious drink.
If you purchase coconut water to drink, please make sure it’s sustainably harvested both for the land and the dragons.
The Coconut Dragon gets its keyword, Multitask, from many cultures calling coconut palm trees, trees with a thousand uses.
Food, drink, vessel, fire starter, rope, clothing fiber, oil, medicine.
So many uses from the same marvelous plant.
And so many different forms of assistance in what could be a very busy week, from this sweet, brown and white dragon.
More about the Creator: tarotbyarwen.com/books-decks/
Purchase this Deck: Check in with your local brick and mortar first. Otherwise, my Bookshop is always open to you.
Further Recommended Reading: Here’s where I learned about the coconut trees!
Do join us the third Wednesday of the month, 8pm Central for Tarot Deck Diving!
All the b.e.s.t,
*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.
Release mundane responsibilities to refresh yourself in New Mexico Oct. 1-7 for a Writers and Creatives Retreat. Learn more here
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Use promo code “TheEdge” for 25% off Kate Mura’s readings and private coaching
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with a personal reading, couple, thruple, polycule or friend’s group reading here