New Cancer Moon 2023


Exact time of new moon: July 17, 2023 at 1:31pm CST

Filth. There is an opening word. And it just brings you right in, doesn’t it? I was about to get graphic, but I didn’t want to lose the other half of you. Dirt? Build up? Let’s just say dirt can accumulate.

We set an intention, calculate our trajectory, imagine the possibilities, act on our intention, work hard to ground that intention, begin to watch it grow and morph, and then bring that out into the world. That there is a human storyline! That there is also the journey from Capricorn to Cancer, from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice. Along the way we pick up more than life experience… which we hopefully translate into wisdom eventually… we pick up some battle scars. Creating intentions from Ground Zero takes incredible effort.

New Cancer Moon zodiac astrology for 2023Image by Darkmoon Art from Pixabay

Calculating our trajectory takes confronting our “future anxiety”. Imagination can lead us astray. Our efforts can be forfeited. We can misspeak and misunderstand. We can feel too much in reaction to everything I just mentioned. Dirt can accumulate.

This is where we give thanks for the summer thunderstorms. This is where we give thanks for the cleansing water. This is summer, ironically ruled by the Moon, for the very fact that her emotional waters are both for the purpose of and needing, cleansing and healing. It’s warm enough, and safe enough, for those waters to flow. Nature is rich in her abundance. The garden is swelling with ripening tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, and other nourishment to help sustain us in our life.

Where do we need to both give and receive some nourishment in life? What part of our emotional body needs clearing, cleansing, healing, and restoring? This is the time in the wheel of our year to celebrate and replenish the richness of our proverbial soils, so that we can continue to have energy to ripen the fruits of our labors. Calm yourself. Put your attention on your heart. What is it asking for? What does it need for its healing? Set the intention for it BEING HEALED and all will be well.

If you know your ascendant, your rising sign, the following may be more applicable to you. If you don’t, just read the following as your Sun, not rising sign. The following are generalities. Your ascendant may be in the later degrees, throwing your actual ‘suggestion’ in the next sign! Such are the limitations of Sun-Sign Astrology.

Still, here are some Ascendant/rising sign suggestions:

Cancer Ascendant, heal thyself.

Leo Ascendant, heal your connection with the Mystery.

Virgo Ascendant, heal your relationship with your future.

Libra Ascendant, heal your relationship with the big world. Scorpio Ascendant, heal your relationship with meaning and purpose.

Sagittarius Ascendant, heal your relationship with intimacy.

Capricorn Ascendant, heal your relationship with trust.

Aquarius Ascendant, heal your relationship with the body.

Pisces Ascendant, heal your relationship with joy.

Aries Ascendant, heal your relationship with the human heart.

Taurus Ascendant, heal your relationship with perception.

Gemini Ascendant, heal your relationship with your skills and resources.

– Courtesy of Evolutionary Astrology with Ryan Evans


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Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans is a Certified Master Level Astrologer. A student of 25 years and a professional for 15, having studied with Steven Forrest, Pat Kaluza, and others, he practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. As an organic flower farmer of 20 years, he aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms. In a reading, Ryan describes the mythology and poetry of the Solar System and the Seasons of the Earth and how they are reflected in the myth and poetry of YOU.


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