Card of the Week – August 2, 2023


Over the Hump by Kate Mura of Group Tarot

A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each of these is reworked intentionally for The Edge, from the egregore of Group Tarot’s Card of the Week, to center education, diversity, and intuition.

Partial content copyright 2023 Group Tarot. Used with permission.

Group Tarot retreat in New Mexico

Blessed Lammas or Lughnasadh.

I’m tired.

And I’m looking at my energy output/input ratios and am seriously considering shifting this column to a monthly forecasting, rather than a weekly column.


I have yet to receive:
1. Comments on how Card of the Week helps you
2. Private tarot session bookings from The Edge community
3. Group Tarot session bookings from The Edge readership
4. Kofi tips
5. New Patrons

Maybe you don’t know, but this is a volunteer column.

Tarot is a huge part of how I make my living and there comes a point when I have to seriously consider what I receive for the literal *hundreds* of hours I have gifted you all.

It’s not easy to challenge my work-a-holic and generous tendencies, as being socialized female during late stage capitalism feeds the incorrect trope that we are only what we produce, when of course, we are so much more than that, and that it’s my job/expected of me to be overly generous with my time and energy and skill.

We are also our breath and relationships.

We are health and rest.

We are curiosity and delight.

We are sorrow and trepidation.

And so much more.

So, I’m doing what is hard for me, resting when I need to rest, feeling into what feels good to give and what doesn’t, and allowing space for change.

Because balance and value are important.

Do you value Card of the Week? Please show me, because I feel like I’ve been writing into a void for the last year, even though I see readership numbers frequently over 600, which is wonderful!

Feel free to scroll up to the five support options, click on one of them, then come back to read about this week’s card.

I’ll wait, I’m incredibly patient.

Today, the deck I had out for Divination Pride is calling out to share, Journey to Enlightenment Tarot, a gift from the fine folks here at The Edge Magazine and Inner Traditions.

We are given,
Two of Wands

two of wands tarot card


Given what I’ve been talking about, this is hilarious! Looking at energy expenditures, quite literally.

Every choice we make from the smallest – rolling out of bed at 8:02 am rather than 8:01am – to the biggest, like my Polish ancestors moving across the world, has ripple effects that do touch everything. Consciously or subconsciously.

Similarly, all the choices being made in the multiverse also affect you, whether you’re aware of them or not. Whether they directly or indirectly affect you.

Twos often speak to choices.

In this case, energetic and spiritual ones, as this is the suit of fire.

Rods, that equate to your spine – like the Open Channel workshop I led this weekend at Divination Pride.

What’s really jumping out at me in Daniela Manutius-Forster’s illustration is all the reds and disjointed feelings.

Maybe it’s hard to make a decision.

Maybe you don’t like your current choices.

Maybe it’s so busy around you, carving out some moments of quiet and stillness to really tune in to your body, your spine, your alignment to make a decision, hasn’t happened yet.

Maybe you’re procrastinating because you don’t really want to make a decision.

The opposite of red on the color wheel is green, and that’s the color our central individual is outlined in.

You may want to try an opposite approach to whatever is challenging you right now. If you’ve been resting a lot because you’re tired and you’re still tired, what happens if you try being more active, for example.

Also, the opposite or inverse doesn’t have to be logical.

Trust your instincts.

This may also be an invitation to simplify aspects of your work life/energetic output, or to be very intentional about where you go next, and what you do next.

Listen to your body, and the world, asking these questions:
Where are my energies needed most?
What does my energy need most?

They may not need the same things.

About the Creators: Daniela Manutius-Forster and Selena Joy Lovett
Purchase this Deck: Check out your local brick & mortar or artist direct first. My Bookshop is also available to you.
Recommended Reading: If hussle culture is new to you, here’s an article to get you started. I’d love to see this kind of study done in the U.S.


October’s Writers and Creatives Retreat registration will be closing soon. Reserve your spot here

Do join us the third Wednesday of the month, 8pm Central for Tarot Deck Diving!

All the b.e.s.t,
Kate Mura signature

*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.

Release mundane responsibilities to refresh yourself in New Mexico Oct. 1-7 for a Writers and Creatives Retreat. Learn more here

Special Offer for The Edge Community

Use promo code “TheEdge” for 25% off Kate Mura’s readings and private coaching

Dive Deeper

with a personal reading, couple, thruple, polycule or friend’s group reading here


Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Kate Mura
Group Tarot is a unique form of group facilitation that opens the mind to new possibilities. A surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, and other groups to shift or shake up your culture, get new perspectives, and provide a captivating experience for employees, teams, and other collectives to interact in a profound, engaging way. In short, it’s a mind blowing experience that blends mindfulness, theatrical presentation, and self exploration.


  1. Greetings everyone! This is Steve, Editor for The Edge. Whether you’re experienced with tarot readings, or just curious, I encourage you to book a session with Kate. Either as an individual or in a group. She has giving Kelly and myself several readings and forecasts regarding The Edge, and each one has provided us with useful information. Thank you Kate!


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