Starcodes: September 22-28


Starcodes for the week of September 22-28, 2023

We’re poised between the seasons. Earth’s equator hovers closest to the Sun, northern and southern hemispheres get equal amounts of Sunshine as the Sun enters Libra early this Saturday morning.

The autumnal equinox brings a moment of balance, it can open doorways and brings a time of flow as the Sun steps from Virgo, into Libra. Some work that has been clogged or in a holding pattern for months now rolls forward. Venus and Mercury, which were retrograde much of this summer, are now both direct; by the beginning of next week, they will both will be out of the shadow, past the point where they first turned retrograde, and life’s momentum picks up.

There’s lots of work to be done but our social milieu may be most important this week as Venus in Leo trines Mars in Libra under that Libra Sun. We could be a little too restless to stay locked in our office, but these sociable planets can help make new friends in college and school, help us see potential in a new relationship or add sparks to an old one. They add panache to the search for social justice. Stay in the moment and nurture those sparks rather than douse them with expectations and put the fire out.

Over the weekend a Capricorn Moon can bring us diligence and function, we can aspire to get things done just but let’s be cooperative rather than controlling. The Sun enters Libra early Saturday morning, Venus in Leo trines Chiron and can offer healing moments, moments to let go of some plan or anger that is no longer appropriate and share affection or cooperation in a way that just encourages our life force. Be sociable, be friendly, and be efficient.

By Sunday evening the Moon enters collaborative Aquarius and trines the Sun, and even though the Sun quincunx Saturn and can make us feel torn between our work and our life. On Monday, Mercury trines Jupiter in earth signs and practical words flow, a great day to sign contracts, to put some nuts and bolts in place, or make an overture. We may need to talk out some recent dilemma or deal with the fallout of this summer’s snafus, but we could see the light at the end of that tunnel.

On Tuesday the Moon enters Pisces and we will probably need to take a deep breath. There has been a lot of change going on and this is a time for adaptogens and kindness, we need to let the dough rest before we launch into the next stretch. Because next week could get really busy.

starcodes week of September 22 through 28

Friday, September 22: Spring clean intentions. Our attention may be scattered easily this morning; don’t get caught in the weeds but do stand back and assess our intentions for the week and for the coming season. This afternoon, as the Moon enters Capricorn and sextiles Saturn, our competence grows in bursts of focus. Set up projects for next week. Some situation may not be as grim as it appears. Let tonight be a healing evening.

Moon square Neptune 7:37 AM MDT, Moon squares the Sun 1:31 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 2:20 PM, Moon sextile Saturn 5:44 PM.

Saturday, September 23: Autumn begins as the Sun enters Libra at 12:49 AM- some knot loosens, portals open for easier flow. That pragmatic Capricorn moon helps us make clean, focused decisions. But it’s not all about the practical as a Venus-Chiron trine promotes interpersonal sweetness. The afternoon and evening bring equinox magic. But we may feel cranky later in the evening as the moon squares Mars and mind that we didn’t get something done with hope to do.

Sun enters Libra 12:49 AM, Venus trines Chiron 1:17 Am, Moon trine Mercury 12:23 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 4:12 PM, Moon square Mars 9:17 PM.

Sunday, September 24: Morning can be reasonably productive if we keep the pace steady. But we may need to wrestle with some discouragement or old pain midday and feel melancholic as well as ticked off as the Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto and Mars opposes Chiron. Later on, different people may have different ideas about the right way to proceed. Some plan of ours could run into logistical difficulties that need to be reorganized rather than muscled through as the Sun quincunx Saturn. Instead of wrestling some control issues, consider just enjoying each other’s company instead.

Moon trine Uranus 5:27 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 11:02 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 2:05 PM, Mars opposition Chiron 2:05 PM, Moon enters Aquarius 5:29 PM, Moon trines the Sun 8:26 PM, Sun quincunx Saturn 9:10 PM.

Monday, September 25: We could see our options opening up as Mercury trine’s Jupiter. We can find the words we need. Put in submit that proposal, make that overture, and call an old friend, open hallways of communication and listen for the fresh winds as Mercury trine’s Jupiter under a collaborative Aquarius Moon. Keep personal demands down, and work towards the good of the team.

Mercury trine Jupiter 6:09 AM, Moon square Jupiter 5:48 PM.

Tuesday, September 26: Strange dreams or too many things to juggle this morning can leave us stressed, feeling that it will be hard to make everyone happy or do everything well as the Aquarius Moon opposes Venus and squares Uranus early on. It may take more effort to stay on track than normal Patience and appreciation further. Evening, don’t look too far ahead and feel overwhelmed, instead stay present as the moon enters sensitive Pisces.

Moon trine Mars 1:12 AM, Moon opposes Venus 2:47 AM, Moon square Neptune 6:38 AM, Moon enters Pisces 6:18 PM, Moon conjunct Saturn 9:01 PM.

Wednesday, September 27: The mood is sensitive and potentially self-critical Avoid being hard on oneself just to feel more in control, focus on safety and solutions as Mercury quincunx Chiron under a sensitive Pisces Moon. Listen for call to compassion. Evening brings a gentler note as the Moon sextiles Jupiter.

Mercury quincunx Chiron 4:29 PM, Moon sex tile Jupiter 5:45 PM.

Thursday, September 28: On this sleepy day, we may need extra time to get things done or need to track what we do carefully. Daydream, do some creative brainstorming or meditate, but don’t get lost in the process as the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Stay situationally aware midday and find a safe place to nap. The energy picks up quickly after tea-time as the Moon heads into Aries, but we can get really impatient with recent snafus unless we feel progress is being made.

Moon opposed Mercury 12:18 AM, Moon sex tile’s Uranus 6:35 AM, Moon conjunct Neptune 11:53 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 2:57 PM, Moon enters Aries 6:17 PM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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