Brigitte Schneider, licensed healing practitioner from Frankfurt, Germany, will give a free talk about a simple, cost-free way to attain healing and help through the teaching of Bruno Groening, at 7pm on November 1, 2023, at the Carondelet Center in St. Paul.
Bruno Groening (1906-1959) drew media attention all over Germany in the 1950’s because of incredible healings that occurred when crowds of up to 30,000 help-seekers – sick, crippled and traumatized following World War II – got up from their stretchers and wheelchairs and walked after listening to Groening’s simple words to turn away from hatred, sorrow and illness, and take up the belief in God, in health, and in the innate goodness of human beings.

Brigitte Schneider has been working in her own practice for 36 years. For 20 years, she has been a member of the Medical Scientific Group (MWF) of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. The MWF brings together medical doctors, psychologists and other healthcare professionals from over 100 countries to examine and medically-verify healings that continue to occur today in the Circle of Friends. Ms. Schneider will present some of these documented healings and talk about how to absorb a natural healing energy that Groening taught was available to all people regardless of faith, nation, language or background. During lectures like these, some people already sense the healing energy – sometimes as warmth or tingling and often as a deep sense of peace.
Ms. Schneider emphasized that Bruno Groening always sought to work in cooperation with physicians. “He took no money for the healings that occurred. The only thing he asked was that they be written down and medically documented.” Today an extensive archive in Rottenburg, Germany houses thousands of documented healings that occur today in the Circle of Friends. “Before a healing can be published,” she said, “it has to be verified by medical doctors in the Circle of Friends and, whenever possible, by an independent physician.”
Asked why she volunteers in her free time for no payment, Ms. Schneider answered, “What I see is that so many people today are ill. Here in the Circle of Friends, I have witnessed how people have become healed from chronic illness, back pain, from allergies, arthritis, depression. And I am so touched when I see people healed from any kind of addiction, because they get their freedom back. With this teaching, I like how people can learn to help themselves, without paying anyone. Here we can fill up again with the divine energy. No one in the Circle of Friends receives payment. Bruno Groening said, ‘You cannot pay God.’ And this is very important to me – that people know there is a natural energy available to them that can heal and change lives.”
In May of 2013, The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends was awarded the Peace Pole at the United Nations Tilman Chapel by the World Peace Prayer Society for its contribution to world peace. “Many friends testify how harmony in the family is restored through applying Bruno Groening’s teaching,” said Ms. Schneider. “Peace begins this way: in each heart, in each family, and then it radiates into the world. I love that we have communities on every continent, in over 130 countries. It is beautiful to see, for example, how Bruno Groening friends from Palestine and Israel visit each others’ community hours. Living according to the teaching of Bruno Groening makes life on all levels easier and more precious. We practice love. The divine love in our hearts for everyone.”