Starcodes: December 8-14


Starcodes for the week of December 8-14, 2023

This week rides in on a glittering sleigh and finishes on a more silent night. Get seasonal presents in the mail this weekend or early next week. Celebrate solstice festivities with friends on the new Moon in Sagittarius on Monday and Tuesday, then prepare to take a break as Mercury turns retrograde, slows down the busy world and turns our thoughts inward.

The glittering lights can lighten our hearts this time of year though there are some deep undercurrents running beneath. Venus in Scorpio can bring a world weariness, our heart hurt with the world’s disasters and we can occasionally need to just shut down. Scorpio is a deep land for Venus, this Venus helps us deal with the real problems of the world. but it also stirs up those primal protective emotions. Notice some hidden agenda. Luckily Mars is now in more upbeat, honest Sagittarius and can help us move through it all as long as we’re conscious of those undercurrents.

Get organized over the weekend with Mercury in competent Capricorn. Use seasonal crafts as a way to sit with people and their deep feelings, don’t ask them to talk about it unless they are ready. String popcorn or find some way to express without words as puttering can offer access into our emotions. But also watch the movements; people aren’t always owning, even to themselves, how they’re feeling, so watch their behavior to see what’s really going on. Notice a sulky look, possessive action, or signs of sadness or unusual joy and longing, they may not be conscious of it so it won’t help to talk about it, just take that information in without assuming what’s really going on with them.

Monday and Tuesday are great for solstice gatherings with friends, office parties, or travel plans before Mercury turns retrograde under the new Moon in Sagittarius. Under that new moon we can feel the need to do something completely different, break routine or book travel plans. Some people with long-term illness might travel forward without their bodies. It is also an important time for some radical introspective honesty; we can only be as honest with our world as we are with ourselves first, and Sagittarius calls for honesty.

Mercury turns retrograde on Wednesday and it’s time to install those healthy Mercury retrograde habits. To avoid accidents and arguments, make life a meditative dance of attention. Confirm all reservations, check for misunderstandings under any tension, keep track of the keys and other essentials, and let go anything that doesn’t really need to be done right now. Look forward reviving traditions, connecting with people from the past, and taking some time off to just be with ourselves in the weeks ahead.

starcodes week of December 8 through 14

Friday, December 8: Hum Christmas carols while doing the necessary this morning, emotions begin to swell tonight as the Moon squares Pluto then enters deep Scorpio and the dynamics shift. We may be suddenly painfully aware of, and ready to deal with, a real issue. Seasonal lighting may not touch on inner world weariness or concern, but if there are real issues to deal with, we are ready. Honor rather than ignore any somber notes.

Moon squares Pluto 6:05 PM, Moon enters Scorpio 8:34 PM, Moon trine Saturn 11:33 PM.

Saturday, December 9: Still waters run deep as the Moon conjuncts Venus in Scorpio this morning. Notice, but don’t believe the darkest thoughts; give that Scorpio a mystery to solve instead. Watch the tendency to drag up thorny memories just for the sensation. Meditation furthers. Beauty and compassionate art can warm the heart and redirect the focus.

Moon conjunct Venus 7:23 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 8:41 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 10:46 AM, Venus opposed Jupiter 8:34 PM.

Sunday, December 10: Expect snarky comments and a need or desire to change plans this morning, just make sure to do it for the right reasons, not just in reaction as the Moon opposes Uranus and unsettles the status quo. Afternoon calms down a bit. Allow people to drift or find solitude to collect ourselves towards dinner as the Moon trines dreamy Neptune.

Moon opposed Uranus 10:03 AM, Moon trine Neptune 6:58 PM.

Monday, December 11: After a somewhat frustrating morning when we might wish we were more awake than we are, a quirky, erratic, creative, restlessly humorous day as Moon enters upbeat and honest Sagittarius then squares serious Saturn. Look for easy conversation, make important phone calls around lunch as Mercury sextiles Venus and open up communication. Be more careful with words tonight as the Sun quincunx Uranus brings erratic humor and nervous thoughts.

Moon sextile Pluto 1:57 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 4:07 AM, Moon square Saturn 7:13 AM, Mercury sextile Venus 12:16 PM, Sun quincunx Uranus 11:21 PM.

Tuesday, December 12: Check in dreams and news this morning, listen to the rumble in the psyche after an overnight Moon-Mars conjunction stirs our collective unconscious. Heed a change in plans, a sudden side agenda that needs attention, whispers of the unexpected under this afternoon’s new Moon in Sagittarius at 4:32 PM MST forms an uncomfortable quincunx to Uranus as Mercury appears to hold still. Consider carefully before any sudden action.

Moon conjunct Mars 3:05 AM, Moon conjunct the Sun 4:32 PM, Moon square Jupiter 11:48 PM.

Wednesday, December 13: Keep it slow and steady, stay organized, make lists, but otherwise do as little as possible while Mercury turns retrograde while conjunct the Moon in Capricorn. Instead of initiating new action today, though we may really want to, take the satisfying challenge to finish a project already begun. To push or rush is counterproductive; some really bad decisions could be made today as Mars semi-squares Pluto, an aspect which can make us willful but not wise, and easily frustrated. Start all Mercury retrograde survival skills; consider not sending out packages today, read emails extra carefully. Mercury is more comfortable once it’s moving backwards, it is not comfortable appearing to hold still as it does today.

Mercury retrogrades 12:09 AM, Mars semi-squares Pluto 8:15 AM, the Moon enters Capricorn 8:31 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 11:38 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 6:50 PM, Moon conjunct Mercury 10:46 PM.

Thursday, December 14: Keep plans loose. Take an assessment, organize what actually needs to get done and let the nonessentials go. With Mercury retrograde we’re spiraling inward towards chosen family and our own respite; to continue business as usual will take more energy and attention. Many situations are suddenly more complicated, honor strong emotional undercurrents but don’t let them run the show.

Moon sextile Sun 3:55 AM, Moon trine Uranus 5:59 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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