How to Start Fresh this New Year


“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re
not going to stay where you are.”

– J.P. Morgan

The beginning of the year is a very special time for me. Why? Because I get to engage in a favorite pastime that I enjoy, every single year. I begin to plan and create what my next years goals and ambitions are going to look like. It is time well spent as I am choosing how my life’s journey will manifest – another goal that I have envisioned will positively catapult me forward.

For many people life may seem like you are on a ship without a compass aimlessly drifting nowhere. Aside from not having a plan or a goal do you know what the #1 killer of peoples dreams and aspirations really are? It is allowing your present negative results to dictate your thinking. There is a skill, a scientific method that will enable you to change your mindset prompting you to resolve this issue so that you can do, be and have anything you truly desire. Keep in mind that to create long lasting change you would embark on a journey of transformation that will require a lot of commitment, persistence and action. Ask yourself, what is it you really want? And what is important to you?

“A new year, a new chapter, a new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately, we write it. The choice is yours.”
– Alex Morritt

Real, long-lasting change is a process. You don’t suddenly wake up in January springing out of bed with a whole new lease on life. The process to positively change your mindset takes time & energy. Here are a few telltale signs that may alert you to the fact that you may not be able to tackle those new changes and what to do about it. As mentioned not having an action plan to attain a new goal is challenging. Much like a leaf blowing effortlessly in the wind with no direction or control, a targeted plan of action will bring you the results you want to achieve. When setting a new goal, or new years resolution ‘denial’ is a powerful force that stops you from accepting new ideas. Also not recognizing existing problems that you might need to work through can hamper your progress.

Do you have major doubts and fears? That is quite common but in order to move forward you have to first address those concerns. Those unresolved, deeper issues only act as a roadblock that can stop you in your tracks. Do you remember past failures? All of us have them. Experiencing mistakes in any situation is really a blessing in disguise as you will ultimately build a stronger, more powerful personality. You will learn from your mistakes and continue on.

fresh start in the new year

Create a positive mindset focusing on what you want, rather than wasting time and energy having fearful doubts and worrying why these new ideas won’t work. You do have unlimited potential just waiting to be unlocked. Like a seed planted in the soil that has a set pattern destined by nature to grow into fruition, you also have the ability to manifest any idea you choose through focused thought.

To learn more about achieving your goals our company, Splendid Inspiration is offering a New Years Special for our best-selling online course, Science of Goal Achievement, for only $29.97. Visit our website, under Special Offer to start realizing your hopes and dreams and make this upcoming year your very best.


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Lori Gradley
International writer & Mindset Coach, Lori Gradley, has over 35 years experience in personal development. She owns a motivational company, Splendid Inspiration offering online wellness courses, individual coaching sessions and inspiring blogs to help empower people so they can live abundant, happier lives. She is also the Author of “How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind” a new wellness book that is a step by step roadmap helping people tap into their inner strength. By doing so they can overcome the obstacles in life by harnessing the power of their mind to achieve personal and professional success. Find our more at


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