The Mystery of Jane Doe

On September 20, 2010, a well-dressed and beautiful young woman was seen on London Bridge emptying the contents of her handbag into a roadside rubbish bin. She then walked over the edge of the Bridge and climbed up onto the parapet. She stood there for some time staring down at the river waters far below. Passing motorists honked their horns and shouted at her to get down, but no one stopped, a taxi driver reported what he saw, the woman seemed to stand upright looked skyward then down at the waters and jumped.

It was some days later when the body was washed up some way down stream. When a person jumps like she did, they go right through the water and stick in the mud below, those who have had NDEs report that drowning is the worst possible way to die, and this poor woman for some obscure reason decided to end her life in the most awful way. She had carefully cut the labels from her fine clothes, no one reported her missing and she was labelled an anonymous Jane Doe.

The police often consult psychics and graphologists, palmists are occasionally consulted but it is always ‘unofficial’ so it can be denied. Graphologists (handwriting analysts) findings have been used in court cases for some time, my occasional work with the police is only used as back up and cannot at present be used as evidence in court cases.

The London Police chief Kenneth Newman said at a police dinner back in the day, “that any means that present themselves for information that can help solve a crime should be exploited.” The Avon and Somerset Police force is the only force I know that take complete palm prints, not just fingerprints, but they are slow to act and cagey about asking for palmist’s help. This palm print was sent to me with no other information, I was not allowed to see the body just asked what I could tell of this poor young woman, and where she had been in the water her hands were hard to decipher. Quran 10-50 “He gives life, and he takes life, and to him you will be returned.”

(1) The heart line showed ragged and broken markings, showing deep ongoing emotional problems and a difficult cardiovascular inheritance. This heart-line shows someone devoted to the less fortunate, an idealist perhaps a philanthropist, someone not truly engaged with reality, for such people the world can be a difficult and lonely place.

(2) this added to the broken Girdle of Venus line above shows long term emotional restlessness and a need for new experiences, this can be a marking for promiscuity and drug taking, people who can’t take being ‘static’ in relationships.

(3) These 2 powerful lines under the Luna mount cross to hit the destiny line, these were known in medieval Latin, as a Via Lasciva, this gives a craving for change experiment variety and excitement and shows an additive personality, the ancient lore says when it hits the lifeline as this one does, it was seen as an omen for death, modern palmists call this the poison line, as people who have it have allergies to allopathic medicines E numbers and food additives. Variations of this line can show ADHD type disorder and similar.

Jane Doe palm print(4) Where the headline drops down so low that it sweeps onto the moon mount as here, it is an accepted marking for various types of inner loneliness, these folk are very creative with unconventional thought patterns non-conformity a strong intellect with fluctuating moods, they act in a non-conformist way, dress in a non-conformist way, and think in a non-conformist way. These folk function on a different plane to the majority. The creator in his wisdom makes us all for different purposes, each with different gifts and no one more important than another. A tough childhood is indicated with intermittent spells of introversion and depression, these people feel misunderstood and alone in the world and coupled to the very short first or Jupiter finger, showing low self-esteem peer rejection and poor paternal relationship bonding in early life these together are traditionally a stern warning during stressful interludes for later possible suicide. “Life and death are two sides to the same coin.” – Indian scripture.

(5) The Destiny line is like the needle on the Barometer, it should point us on the right path, but this one is dragged away from its normal course and starting so low and so deep is a marking showing past life baggage, as it creeps up the hand we see lines dropping from the heart line to impede its progress, until it turns into a half circle shape under the Saturn finger, and this s known as the shepherds crook.

(6) Exodus 4=2 “and the Lord said unto him, for what have you there in thine hand” “a shepherd’s crook” Moses replied. This is often seen with pioneers and leaders.

(7) The lifeline is hit by the Mars line – the planet of war in her mid 40s in fact all signs show major life crisis during this time.

My verdict was that the hand bone structure is typical of those from the Indo-Pak subcontinent, abuse in early relationships show in the small or Mercury finger, the thumb shows an inability to let go of past hurts, and my guess is this woman would have been an artist in some way, as the creative urge was so strong in her, yet while the balance of her mind was disturbed this poor woman took her own life in the most cruel way. “Life is painful it has thorns like the stem of a rose, culture and art are the roses that bloom on the stem, the flower is yourself, your humanity, art is the liberation of the humanity inside yourself” – Daisaku Ikeda.

Mayo clinic research says In the USA of today over 70% take prescription drugs and over half of these are on more than one, statistics showing the massive use of anti-depressants drugs especially in young children has gone through the roof.

The philosopher Maeterlink once said; “The man for whom the hour of misfortune has sounded, is caught up by an invisible whirlwind, and for years back have these powers been combining the innumerable incidents that must bring him to the necessary moment, to the exact spot where tears lie in wait for him.”

If you have any family or friends who fit into this category, please be kind to them or give them a call, you may just save a life.

T. Stokes “Happy Palmistry”

Whole lives read from emailed hand photos.


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