The Reward of Treating Life as a Living Loving Art Form


Are there self-improvement and/or health-promoting actions/practices which you fear to do or take part in?

In the spirit of the right thing for the right healthful sake, regularly do a thing that you most fear to do. This may be a bold path to feeling better and better, congruent with a spirit of true health and true responsibility.

In doing so, it is quite likely that one will realize greater levels of objective insight in facing and overcoming one’s fears (inclusive of enhancing one’s critical thinking skills). In this, our evolving insight will allow us to face even greater challenges… readying us for new ‘bold’ adventures.

treat life as living loving art

Here on Earth, splendid blessings can be found in the notion that ‘there is always room for improvement,’ greater and greater levels of deep insight and its practical application (vs. getting on-goingly stuck on stagnant plateaus which can be like a living death). We can choose to live in fear, or we can lovingly and appreciatively embrace a Path of Heart. What may seem dark and scary, could actually end up being a wonderful adventure… even among those things that we’ve simply been ignoring – things that are commonly right in front of us. In this genuinely splendid spirit, i.e., true health through true responsibility, we can better and better evolve into being truly healthful conduits between Heaven and Earth… maybe even evolve into more and more selfless healthful unintentional role models.

So often we may “feel silly” or fear “looking dumb” in trying something difficult, new, or scary. For instance, most of my tai chi chuan, chi kung, meditation, and health/wellness students initially were afraid and felt silly – worrying that they’d “look stupid.” Those that stuck with it and worked at it, have added genuinely splendid, healthful, and refined arts into their way of life, a way of life that would never have been realized without that true effort… having exercised their strength and wherewithal toward great ends. It is in the wonderful spirit of treating life as a living loving art form – it is consistent with making the world a better place (and learning to see this as a true responsibility).

If there is a Heaven, a ‘key to the universe,’ even a sixth sense, they are rooted in true honesty, promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly nothing to hide behind. It is a glimpse of a so-to-speak existence where there is no time, no space, no distance… where all is known. Once again it is in a spirit in which there is nothing to hide behind.


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Dr. Glen Hepker
Dr. Glen Hepker is an author (A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health), a blogger, a part-time counselor, wellness coach, life coach, and a master instructor of tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, refined meditation/guided imagery, and associated health/wellness arts (which are intrinsically inclusive of the quite broad and ages-old benevolent, altruistic, and empathetic health/wellness philosophy set forth in his book - along with acupuncture/pressure, nutritional arts, herbal arts, tui na, stretching arts (though he does not practice acupuncture or nutrition as a living), at Mason City Tai Chi~Chi Kung~Kung Fu & Wellness Center LLC, Mason City, IA USA


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