Most medical professionals agree the two biggest modern killers are cancers and heart disease. Congenital heart disease figures have drastically increased in recent years and the relatively high incidence of cardiovascular malformations at birth have necessitated the availability of more frequent surgical repair.
Rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy may be a factor in some cases; however, the vast majority of children with congenital heart disease are products of apparently uneventful pregnancies with respect to disease of the mother. Studies conducted with the help of doctors at Whipps Cross hospital in the early 70s showed Ulnar loop fingerprints and an excess of the whorl pattern were significant indicators of Rubella contracted during pregnancy. Whipps Cross Hospital known as WX allowed the taking of many hand prints, but later said the study was unofficial and just experimental.
Congenital cardiac lesions apparently occur with increased frequency in families in which one such defect has already appeared, this will often skip a generaton and the difficulties of the grand parent will show, a study of Epigenetics is helpful here as is the Blood group and its info on the correct diet. Some cases are known to occur as part of a syndrome with a determined genetic background, such as Mongolism, Turner’s syndrome, Situs Inversus, Marfan’s syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Handprints of those afflicted with congenital Cardiac abnormalities were studied to ascertain the nature and possible help for the patient. A detailed family history was mostly non available from the hospital on each of these patients to detect possible family incidences of congenital heart disease.
The palm prints gave much incidence of damaged heart lines:
(2) Clubbing of the fingertips particlarly the first finger has been a known predictor of heart problems since the ancient Greeks.
(3) Typical heart signs – multiple occurrence of the palmar axial tri-radius and other cardiac signals. For more info on this see my book 50 Case Histories in Modern Palmistry
Ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine covers some of this in what was called Hasthricka, the attitude of several doctors involved in the Hospital study was to only confirm diagnosis by post mortem, e g after death, some doctors were reluctant to accept that the human hand can predict and show such complex health conditions, remember I used to read the future lives of babies hands through reading the Untrascans, this raised a fair bit of money for Hospital open days. Babies are often born with holes in the heart but as the baby grows the body has a remarkable way of healing itself and even large holes will knit across and repair.
September 2011 the New England Journal of Medicine had an article which claimed each year 200,000 Americans have a heart attack or stroke and 80,000 of them die. Cardio vascular anomalies is the leading health cause of death in the USA and the major cause of lower life expectancy among black folk, Americans are hugely over weight, much of this is the growth promoters fed to cattle which goes through the food chain, bad eating habits play a large part in all cardio-vascular difficulties.
The Seventh Day Adventists say Jesus was an Essene who were vegetarian, so they have followed suit, and various studies done across the years even recently by the huge Mormon Hospital in Salt lake city confirm dramatic health improvements for vegetarians and list meat eating as a primary cause of premature deaths. Heart ailments with show on the heart line, the fingernails the healthline or the wrist to hand size sometimes all of these, and they give a good indication of severity and life span it should be said that with exercise and correct eating patterns life spans in the study were extended. Political correctness has come in with everything else, and open discussion of many things has now become taboo, hospital studies involving handprints are now banned, only doctors are now allowed to predict the future in whats called a prognosis.
“Love is the only fire that warms the human heart”
T. Stokes “Happy Palmistry”
My best-selling palmistry Book, 50 Case Histories in Modern Palmistry is now on its 8th reprint, each edition has several new additions.
Whole lives read from emailed hand photos.
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