Nature’s Way of Being


poem nature's way of being

The birch bark clings to the tree trunk
Unsure if it wants to let go to touch the ground
Dash, dash, dash the deer dances in the leaves
As he moves through the trees with fawn in tow
Nature’s morse code is heard by those who listen
The birds chirp each sequence in song
Silky are the velvet milkweed leaves
As the monarch flutters about its clusters
Smooth as butter is the buttercup
The glow of its reflection on my skin
Soothing is a day in nature as I climb into bed
I fall fast asleep thankful for the delights of nature.

Nature’s Way of Being image by Alain Audet from Pixabay


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Maria Lisa Polegatto
Maria Lisa Polegatto grew up and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, where she works full time. To rest and relax she loves to retreat into nature and spend time with animals enjoying the magic that surrounds us. Contact Maria Lisa at


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