Starcodes: July 5-11

Starcodes reading for the week of July 5-11, 2024

Every astrological sign balances the extreme of the sign before, all around the zodiac. This weekend starts with a new Moon – conjunct Venus – in introspective, self-protective, nurturing but easily worried, oceanic sign of Cancer.

New Moons start a new lunar cycle, an opportunity for a new beginning after an ending or completion. This New Moon in Cancer conjuncts the Sun in the birth chart of mythic America, July 4th, and asks what cycles are ending in our country and which ones are just beginning. The stars are not asking us just to wring our hands and worry, though that might be our first reaction, but nudge us to chew on deeper Cancerian existential questions about the nature of true safety and stability, and act. Take care of those in need, nurture our family and the family of humankind.

Soon we’ll feel the more extroverted Leo season call us out of our shell to warm our hearts; it whispers that our solemn duty to reconnect with our community through engaging in lively culture, summer arts festivals and sociable farmers markets. We’ll be stronger together when needed if we can now meet in the sunshine. Mercury has already entered outgoing, operatic Leo, the Moon follows for the weekend and Venus enters Leo on Thursday. Together these Leo planets can potentially add drama to our love life, opera and uproar to our political landscape. They can really increase our FOMO (fear of missing out) our desire to dive into the river of life.

Monday begins on a more upbeat, potentially hopeful or dramatic note, time for a change of scene or change of pace. Look for fresh ideas, new people and circumstances as Venus forms a pleasant, ingenious sextile to gear-shifting Uranus while thoughtful Mercury sextiles expansive Jupiter- all under that Leo Moon.

Midweek, follow through on those new ideas with practicality and planning, do the nitty-gritty work while the Sun trines stabilizing Saturn under an industrious, edgy Virgo Moon. Just be careful not to focus on imaginary limitations or other people’s petty faults, instead look for concrete steps towards good results.

On Thursday, Venus, who calls our hearts, trines Neptune then enters Leo, and will soon oppose Pluto. Notice a fear of loss, a fear that things will go sideways; don’t believe it, do take actions to redirect it. Tell beloveds you love them. Speak up in the political arena. Reach out to others who may be feeling lonely or isolated. This aspect can idealize what is love and fairness but face tough realities love and loss. Push forward to love again.

starcodes astrology week of July 5 through 11

Friday, July 5: Ice cream and other personal comforts call us on this new Moon in Cancer at 4:57 PM MDT, though we could be called to tend to real survival needs in the world around us. Don’t step on other’s feelings unnecessarily, the claws will come out, People could be tender on the inside and so guarded on the outside. But in this tenderness we can start a fresh cycle if we take responsibility for our own happiness, safety, and comfort. Mars sextiles Saturn and adds competency to our motivation if we get going. What shall we begin?

Mars sextile Saturn 1:02 PM, Moon conjunct Sun in Cancer 4:57 PM.

Saturday, July 6: Moods can change as fast as a summer storm flashing through blue skies. Tender emotions, flashes from the past come through as Venus squares Chiron and conjuncts the Moon early in the day; comfort and reassurance further but notice what honestly needs protecting and do so. Later, join art openings, concerts; creative process can bring the community together for good cause as Venus semi-squares Jupiter and the Moon enters Leo at 9:55 MDT.

Venus square Chiron 12:32 AM, Moon trine Saturn 2:09 AM, Moon sextile Mars 2:56 AM, Moon conjunct Venus 10:26 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 2:23 PM, Moon trine Neptune 9:47 PM, Moon enters Leo 9:55 PM, Venus semi-square Jupiter 11:55 PM.

Sunday, July 7: Overnight concerns can niggle at us as the Leo Moon opposes Pluto we can wake up from haunted streams or with exaggerated emotions, but those exaggerations can help us read and express our feelings clearly. We may be able to articulate the layers of those feelings midday as that Moon conjuncts Mercury and sextile Jupiter midday. Let’s tell our story and listen to theirs; share our thread of hope or excitement.

Moon opposed Pluto 12:16 AM, Moon conjunct Mercury 2:23 PM, Moon sextile Jupiter 4:18 PM.

Monday, July 8: Notice extra emotional torque and creative juice; we can use that energy to focus on our worries, or to find threads of hope and help them grow, that is our choice. Look for new products, a fresh perspective, a new journey, something out of traditional routine as Venus sextiles Uranus and Mercury sextile Jupiter. Don’t rain on anybody’s parade, let them brainstorm, consider all possibilities and sort for probability over the next week.

Venus sextile Uranus 5:04 AM, Mercury sextile Jupiter 8:26 AM, Moon square Mars 3:17 PM.

Tuesday, July 9: Eat well, our guts can respond sensitively to our mood under the Virgo moon. Get practical, attend the nuts and bolts of the journey and take a step forward. Without a goal we can spin into worry, edginess, criticism. If we feel like we’re working towards a goal of whatever size, the ambient obsessiveness can productively get us there.

Moon square Uranus 12:03 AM, Moon enters Virgo 7:47 AM.

Wednesday, July 10: Though it’s easy to feel anxious, be sane and tap into competent resources instead as the Sun trines stabilizing Saturn under a nervy, industrious Virgo Moon. Follow through on paperwork, organize. Work around a frustrating moment mid-morning as the Moon opposes Saturn; instead of resisting, start at the easiest point and work through the pile. Point out a problem, but don’t point at the people involved; stay on target and specific.

Moon square Jupiter 4:07 AM, Sun trine Saturn 9:04 PM, Moon opposed Saturn 10:26 PM, Moon sextile Sun 10:34 PM.

Thursday, July 11: Be kind and look for the beauty in one another. Our hearts need a break from routine, we want to love with more grandeur or more drama as Venus trines Neptune then enters Leo. Our hearts want to expand but we can feel easily hurt is ignored or underappreciated. Stay in the present moment with relationships; it’s a wonderful day to write fiction but keep it out of one’s love life; celebrate what is rather than imagine what is not. This is a good time for Metta-meditation, for loving-heart visualizations. Nurture the spark of affection, friendships, and romance. Pet the dog.

Moon trine Mars 6:51 AM, Venus trine Neptune 8:32 AM, Venus enters Leo 10:18 AM, Moon trine Uranus 12:20 PM, Moon opposed Neptune 7:54 PM, Moon enters Libra 8:06 PM, Moon sextile Venus 9:14 PM, Moon trine Pluto 10:24 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins




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