Soul Retrievals Create Change


We have all experienced some form of challenge or trauma that keeps us from optimally moving forward in life. These experiences can be anything from loss, illness, or abuse.

These experiences take an essential part of us so we may not feel whole. Whenever we go through trauma and difficult experiences, our body finds ways to cope. What always happens is that a part of our spirit/soul leaves our body and the trauma or difficulty takes its place. It may seem like a strange coping mechanism but the spirit shines light on that which needs to heal and many times people aren’t ready to do so until they have some distance from the event(s) that are difficult in their lives. Once we’re ready to heal the past, we can ask that the universal energies come in to help us let it go which then leaves room for our soul to come in to take its place. Shamans would call this a soul retrieval.

soul retrievals create change

A soul retrieval creates a permanent positive change mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. If you let go of the past, and don’t replace it with your own spirit/soul, your body will typically take on an energy similar to what you let go of which doesn’t move you forward optimally.

Most people heal mentally first, emotionally second, and physically last. Spiritual growth happens all along the way.

We typically remember and understand the trauma mentally first because it’s easier to deal with it if the emotions and body are not engaged in it. If a trauma is severe, we may talk about it like a news report.

School for Higher Consciousness energetically heaing audiosThe mental experience may be images that can be disjointed or pop up, without warning, or feel like a rumination or something that can even make you feel dizzy. Talking about it, with someone you trust, is helpful since you likely didn’t have somebody witness your painful experience who was willing to talk about it. However, over-talking about it may lock it in further so good to talk about it with the intention of letting it go.

We then heal the trauma emotionally through crying, getting angry and feeling all the array of emotions we’ve held onto. It’s important to let yourself cry and let the emotions be felt and let go of. Put the intention that, as you feel your emotions, you are letting them go.

Our body is the last to let go. The body can be afraid of re-experiencing the trauma so holds onto it which keeps the trauma alive within us. It’s a good idea to talk to your body like you would a child, “body, you’re holding onto an old experience, this is nothing new. Letting it go will help you feel lighter, happier and freer!”

It’s important to get help when there’s a trauma or difficult experiences since having a trusted professional witness your process helps heal more deeply. Finding someone with tools to help your mind, emotions and body heal are ideal.

Below are some spiritual reminders to help you heal:

  1. You have a Higher Self/Spirit that is eternal and has all the answers for you. Ask your Higher Self/Spirit to be in charge of your healing process
  2. We all had help during traumas from our spirit guides – even if we don’t consciously remember them being there. They can be ancestors or friends, on the other side, or other advanced beings or angels.
  3. Look at your ancestry, and past lives, to see what traumas have occurred. We all repeat the unresolved issues and traumas of our ancestors due to their energetic influence.
  4. Remember that your unhealed child, or age you were hurt, still lives within you. Having conversations with her/him can help prepare yourself to heal.

We all have traumas and difficulties at some point in our life journey. However, we are Divine Beings having a human experience. We are not our experiences – we can let them go. Healing yourself heals everybody and everything since we’re all interconnected.

Many blessings,

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded the School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops and also experience through her energetically healing audios. Some of the protocols are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Experience an Energetic Healing Audio for yourself.


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Maureen Higgins
Maureen Higgins, M.A., founded Wings of Freedom in 1998, a cutting-edge energetic healing practice that empowers people to transform their personal, ancestral, and karmic issues. Explore her energetic healing audios, set up like an in-person session, allowing for effective transformational work on a daily basis! Expand your intuitive abilities and develop energetic healing skills through her School for Higher Consciousness. Your time to fly has come!


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