Starcodes reading for the week of August 2-8, 2024
It’s a great week to take off, move slowly, and keep the agenda light. If that’s not happening, be prepared to double check schedules and cut each other some gentle slack. Work around glitches and expect plans to change, minds to change, and potentially hearts to change as we deal with Venus square Uranus and Mars conjunct Jupiter while Mercury turns retrograde. We will barely notice if we’re just chilling in our garden or paddling our feet in the water, but it could make the rest of life interesting.
Along with those complications we can feel pulled between our need to spend both time inside with ourselves and our need to go engage the world as the planets amp up both our introversion and our extraversion. Don’t try to make them happy at the same time, give each side some time. As the weekend begins, the Cancer Moon once coziness, delicious food, and personal safety while the Sun and Venus in outgoing Leo encourage us to indulge in the festivals of summer. Sunday’s new Moon in Leo echoes that extraversion. Get out of the house for a change of pace and meet new people.
The Leo New Moon calls for us to center ourselves in the best of ways, with self-care and responsibility, and encourage others to do the same. Enjoy life to the hilt. Leo encourages us to take turns in the spotlight to let each one shine in their own charm and abilities. If we can get really centered, it will be easier to handle the slings and arrows of the coming Mercury retrograde.
Mercury is already in its own nervy sign of Virgo, Venus joins Mercury in Virgo on Sunday just as Mercury retrogrades until August 28. This lineup encourages us to introspect, take care of ourselves, and think ahead to this autumn’s work, but makes it easy to be self-critical, and that can be tricky under retrograde Mercury’s snafus.
Start practicing basic Mercury retrograde skills. If we notice any tension, check for misunderstandings. Slow down. Confirm reservations, appointments, schedules, and addresses. Keep a book on board and make the best of any delay. Track carefully important time-sensitive communications. Think three times before dialing an ex. Use the time to complete unfinished work, reconnect with old friends and familiar places. Tell great stories. Look for the opportunity hidden within any snafu.
Along with this outward enthusiasm and inward critical and klutzy streak, notice a growing enthusiasm, ambition, competition, and a fierce defensive response. Mars energy is just waiting to be tapped as it approaches a conjunction with Jupiter, perfecting in the middle of August. Because this conjunction is in verbal Gemini, this can come more in debate, competitive speaking, spear-rattling – talks of all things Mars-related. While this is a great combination for the Olympic athletes, it can be tough on attempted peace talks or bipartisan solutions. This Mars can add momentum when we walk and talk, which, combined with Mercury retrograde, can leave us prone to accidents of propulsion. Move thoughtfully and let life be a dance.
Friday, August 2: Take time for both the introverted and extroverted sides so they don’t argue: the cozy Cancer Moon squares Chiron and calls for time at home and with one’s soul, while Venus in Leo squares Uranus and wants us to change it up and engage the world. Feel that social restlessness, just be careful where it might hurt an ongoing relationship; instead, go on an adventure together. People can get defensive around old scar tissue or familiar arguments as Mars semi-squares Chiron so don’t perseverate on touchy points. Open the heart doors. Offer reassurance and good food.
Mars semi-square Chiron 1:42 AM, Venus square Uranus 7:26 AM, Moon trine Saturn 7:31 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 11:16 PM.
Saturday, August 3: Watch for grandstanding, big gestures, and some insensitive comments in the news. On a personal level, make this a real summer’s day as the Moon enters Leo. People will be at their most expressive, so check out the rodeo, art festival, or personal picnic and savor the best life has to offer. Do keep an eye on safety; stay situationally aware. People can be generous hearted, but they may not be particularly perceptive of others’ needs. Speak up. Let Leo Moon enter the heart and help it shine. Take advantage of a second wind late tonight as the Moon sextile Mars.
Moon trine Neptune 4:31 AM, Moon enters Leo 5:09 AM, Moon opposed Pluto 6:18 AM, Moon sextile Mars 11:53 PM.
Sunday, August 4: The day could bring a potentially confusing wildcard. The new Moon in Leo at 5:13 AM MDT asks us to center ourselves- but not be self-centered, chew on that difference as a meditation. Our imagination is powerful as Venus quincunx Neptune; art supplies don’t lie, but our fantasies about the future of relationships might, so stay present and make great art or have great moments. Delays and odd disjunctions or minor mishaps accrue as the day progresses and Mercury appears to hold still. The evening can grow sharp edges; stay kind as Venus enters thoughtful Virgo while Mercury retrogrades. Watch for misunderstandings and mishaps; when in doubt sit still, share stories, and enjoy the evening sky.
Moon conjunct the Sun 5:13 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 10:01 AM, Venus quincunx Neptune 1:23 PM, Venus enters Virgo 8:22 PM, Mercury turns retrograde 10:56 PM.
Monday, August 5: Moods may swing this morning, we can remember what we’ve lost or where we felt abandoned or underestimated as Venus quincunx Pluto. It furthers to really be there for ourselves, to hold our heart gently and not to worry whether anyone else understands for the moment. Midmorning brings more pragmatic adjustments as the Moon squares Uranus, be ready to roll with delays, disagreements, or slapstick comedy as the week starts off with Mercury stationary. The flow settles into a more working rhythm as the Moon enters Virgo. Have great deep analytic conversations tonight as the Moon conjuncts Venus and Mercury, but if anything feels off-track, check for misunderstandings.
Venus quincunx Pluto 7:17 AM, Moon square Uranus 9:16 AM, Moon enters Virgo 3:16 PM, Moon conjunct Venus 5:24 PM, Moon conjunct Mercury 11:19 PM.
Tuesday, August 6: Don’t worry, get organized instead. Unearth problems, get to the root and fix what needs fixing. It will take organization and professionalism to wade through logistical or bureaucratic difficulties, but we can do it with steady effort. Leave a tempting defensive edge and biting sarcasm alone and stick to empathic problem-solving as the Virgo Moon squares Mars and Jupiter.
Moon square Mars 2:14 PM, Moon square Jupiter 10:07 PM.
Wednesday, August 7: Overnight discomfort or cranky dreams can leave us feeling old or worried early this morning as the Moon opposes Saturn. The day then unfolds with surprising potential for joy underneath the prickles as the Sun sextile Jupiter while Mercury conjuncts Venus. Find what is wonderful and hopeful, talk about it- and share that connection. Writing and editing further, though it’s easier to work on the end of an old project rather than the beginning of a new one. Put concerns in a safe place and take a break tonight as the Moon trines Uranus; exercise different physical and mental muscles.
Moon opposed Saturn 3:44 AM, Sun sextile Jupiter 7:36 AM, Mercury conjunct Venus 9:12 PM, Moon trine Uranus 9:26 PM.
Thursday, August 8: The Moon shifts to Libra and softens that interpersonal grit. We can feel more flexible and collaborative, inventive as the Moon trines Pluto and Mars. Express honest appreciation and affection to nurture relationships. The heart can feel truth even if we can’t quite find the right words for it. If people from the past or familiar scenarios pop up, do not assume they’ve changed without real evidence. Take a chance for a do-over but speak from a more empowered and wiser place this time around.
Moon opposed Neptune 2:40 AM, Moon enters Libra 3:31 AM, Moon trine Pluto 4:31 AM
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins