Starcodes: August 30 – September 5


Starcodes week of August 30 – September 5, 2024

Labor Day weekend is the Virgo holiday where we acknowledge and respect hard work by taking time off and enjoying the summer’s last hurrah, and maybe do some work for ourselves. Virgo is industrious and encourages us to notice what needs fixing.

Mercury just turned direct last Wednesday after three weeks retrograde, the confusing and delay-filled mercurial dust will begin to clear over the weekend and clear room for us to launch forward next week.

Retrograde planets appear to back up against the zodiac because of the differences between their orbit and ours, they symbolically send us back to review. Mercury just turned direct after three weeks retrograde, so the confusing mercurial dust will begin to clear over the weekend and clear room for us to launch next week. But not quite yet; be patient through this weekend, work around the flotsam, drive safely, and look for strange stories as people change their minds or new information surface.

Mercury direct does not mean all is calm and clear. Over the next week Uranus, the planet of change and chaos, retrogrades and joins Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto, all still retrograde. Pluto backs out of Aquarius and into Capricorn (Pluto turns direct mid-October and returns to Aquarius for the next few decades at the end of November). All these patterns remind us both – there’s a breath of fresh air coming into our political situation and major changes hover in the wings – and also bring a rehash of problems we thought conquered and mindsets we thought we’d evolved beyond. But now have a chance to handle these in a deeper and wiser way. Don’t re-inscribe, reinvent.

The holiday weekend starts out with a feeling of release and adventure under a sociable Leo Moon. Saturday and Sunday are good for picnics and yard sales, rallies and festivals, all rejuvenating holiday fare. Monday brings a New Moon in Virgo – we can get neurotic without something to improve besides ourselves and our beloveds, so it’s time to get at our Labor Day home improvement projects. In the background we can feel the shadows of big changes and tectonic movement as Uranus retrogrades and Pluto backs into Capricorn.

It is still hard to see around the corner and see where our trains are headed while Mars squares Neptune this week, but it can bring magic to our dreams. Just don’t drive while inebriated and drive carefully in bad weather – two Neptunian problems.

Get ready to softly launch a new adventure, work, school, or personal event, on Tuesday. Then notice what needs adjusting, fix it, and prepare to set out under full steam soon.

Image by Casey Horner from Unsplash

Friday, August 30: Share dreams and honor emotional tenderness this morning as the Cancer Moon trines Neptune. Personal adventure or interpersonal drama picks up midday as the Moon enters outgoing Leo and opposes Pluto; we can feel like things will never be enough, or we will never be enough. Remember we are sufficient for this task. Afternoon softens to a more creative and celebratory time as people finish work and engage the holiday weekend under a sweet Moon-Venus sextile.

Moon sextile Uranus 5:53 AM, Moon trine Neptune 9:24 AM, Moon enters Leo 11:09 AM, Moon opposes Pluto 11:13 AM, Moon sextile Venus to 10 PM.

Saturday, August 31: Let’s take a real Labor Day break from our work. The Leo Moon prioritizes relationships; see and appreciate one another and have a fun moment. The planets encourage us to float or walk in circles rather than busily accomplishing anything, so we might as well kick back and enjoy it. Catch up with old friends, prioritize the hearts of all you meet.

Sunday, September 1: This tricky day can bring quick changes in moods and minor klutzy moments with technical difficulties as Uranus retrogrades and Pluto backs into Capricorn. Be particularly careful around electrical equipment, but just walking without tripping might be a challenge. We can feel both urgently excited and anxious about a new chapter but might need to wait a few days. Just be present to this moment. These retrogrades can bring flashbacks of history, particularly around questionable uses of authority; but we can keep our hearts moving forward.

Moon sextile Jupiter 12:10 AM, Moon conjunct Mercury 6:36 AM, Uranus retrogrades 9:17 AM, Moon square Uranus 4:21 PM, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn 5:57 PM, Moon sextile Mars 6:24 PM, Moon enters Virgo 9:48 PM.

Monday, September 2: Labor Day calls us to honor the workers of the world and do our own personal projects. Just don’t insist other people join in. Repair, reorganize, do some fall cleaning, fix the room, weed the garden, and prepare for early healthy year ahead under the new Moon in Virgo, exact at 7:55 PM. It’s easier to repair than to choose paint colors, we see what needs fixing but might not have a clear picture about what we’ll want in the future. Take advantage of any opportunity to dissolve old anger as Mars squares Neptune.

Mercury trine’s Chiron 7:46 AM, Moon conjunct Sun 7:55 PM, Mars squares Neptune 10:09 PM.

Tuesday, September 3: The waxing Virgo Moon squares Saturn and Jupiter, and we may be called to reassess our work in the community, look at our obligations, and really begin to make some plans. Be patient with any anxiety about the future, but don’t let it run the show. Instead, do something. Invest in the next level of work and put out resumes, put in a syllabus, get out some plans. Iron out the details of a new adventure.

Moon opposes Saturn 6:37 AM, Moon squares Jupiter 12:34 PM.

Wednesday, September 4: Avoid spills and minor mishaps this mildly cranky morning as the Moon squares Mars. Then consider a gentle adventure midday as the Moon enters friendly Libra and Mars shifts into Cancer; let the situation become more personal and connected. In this process, also chew on deeper questions about what we really want in the year ahead, in our lives, politics, and work as Mars quincunx Pluto, then enters Cancer. Let other people be called by their own destiny.

Moon trine Uranus 4:36 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 8:05 AM, Moon square Mars 10:01 AM, Moon trine Pluto 10:06 AM, Moon enters Libra 10:11 AM, Mars quincunx Pluto 11:58 AM, Mars enters Cancer 1:46 PM.

Thursday, September 5: Let’s nurture what we want to grow; build a team, meet new people, make good connections as the sociable, social-justice oriented Libra Moon conjuncts Venus and trines expansive Jupiter. We can feel changes coming, and soon, as Mercury approaches a square to Uranus, and they will be easier to work with if we nurture our allies now.

Moon conjunct Venus 3:12 AM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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