Embracing the New Era: Reconnecting with Your Soul through Divine Feminine and Masculine Balance

Your relationship with yourself has been destroyed. You’ve been wearing your energy inside out for several millennia. With the statistics on burnout, anxiety, and depression growing to frightening heights, increasing escapism, and the need for external validation going through the roof, it’s evident the traditional ways don’t work.

It’s time for radical change. It’s time for the feminine to rise. It’s time for ancient wisdom, celestial connections, and earthly resonance. It’s time for intuition, healing, and extrasensory engagement.

Thank God, the New Era is here, awakening your spiritual essence and sending a clarion call to your soul. The New Era is here, pushing your spiritual relationship to the fore. The New Era demands you develop a strong relationship with your soul to allow your soul to lead in every area of your life. The New Era is here, where the Divine Feminine rises, and the Divine Masculine takes her hand to welcome her with bated breath.

The Divine Masculine has been waiting for her as long as she’s been waiting to be released. The masculine can finally relax by going into the core of you, solidifying your connection to the earth, and acting as a conduit for heavenly energy. He rejuvenates, replenishing his energy and garnering his force. His strength anchors your soul potential, maximizing your chances of realizing your soul mission.

embracing the new era

To honor your soul’s position at the forefront, the Divine Feminine needs to move to the outside of your energy in order for her to expand your edges. For too long, she’s been stuffed in the box, ‘protected’ by the masculine; she’s stifled to the point of needing constant reassurance, attention, and validation. Allowing her to breathe benefits you in unmeasurable ways. When your feminine ways are allowed her freedom and space, your soul breathes, pulsing and connecting to others and the Universe.

Ways to Invigorate your Relationship with the Feminine

  1. Play with animals, laugh with children, and bond with loved ones.
  2. Identify what makes you happy, gives you pleasure, and lifts your spirits.
  3. Explore your feelings of satisfaction through the five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
  4. Connect to your heart by looking at photos or scrapbooks to recall special memories.
  5. Coordinate your schedule based on your daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal cycles.
  6. Create space for quiet and solitude in order to listen to your body, heart, and soul.
  7. Follow the Moon phases to manifest your desires and release unwanted habits.
  8. Relate to the earthly forces of the tides, weather, and elements to understand the natural flow of life.

Tools to Strengthen your Relationship with the Masculine

  1. Refine your mission, vision, and values for your life and business to amplify your passion for your goals.
  2. Make a list of your accomplishments or proud moments – do five a day for a week.
  3. Reach out to good friends to remind you of what’s truly important.
  4. Relieve your task list by welcoming support through automation, systems, and people.
  5. Lessen responsibility by winnowing your list; it’s not ALL yours.
  6. Pursue opportunities that expand your influence to make a big impact.
  7. Connect to people who make you feel more of yourself, not less.
  8. Get back to the basics of nutrition, sleep, and movement.

The New Era requires you to connect to the Universe’s power through your feminine edges, anchoring your soul’s potential through your Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine holds the dialogue with your soul, while the Divine Masculine conveys its physical expression.

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