Having no real direction of its own in this life… a wandering mind is incapable of recognizing the difference between finding the promise of (another) false purpose to live for, and the pit into which it falls… as its tempted to reach for the treasure it imagines it has found there.
In the still uncharted realms of mind and heart, there exist parts within every person that are drawn to seek out relationships with thoughts that are self-wrecking. For instance, we can often become transfixed by our own troubles, turning the image of some fear-producing picture over and over in our mind. And who hasn’t found himself drawn into an argument where the antagonistic voice in his head is nothing other than his very own thoughts acting out the role of his enemy!
As these particular “birds of a feather” – these self-victimizing thoughts and feelings “flock together” in the unaware mind – this continual process (driven along by the law of attraction) eventually gives shape to a form of a psychic pathway; a kind of mental rut that ultimately expresses itself like this: In any psychologically challenging moment not only is the direction we turn to meet it already carved out for us, but what we meet that moment with, i.e., which parts of ourselves take the lead, is also reached automatically. So, in a very real sense, our choices are made for us even before we know what they are!
Have you seen this condition in yourself? That in a given “unwanted” event, because of some unpleasant past personal experience with others like it, a certain part of yourself rushes to the front and assumes command? In short, first these reactions define the moment and then rule the direction of all those that follow in its breaking wake.
For example, maybe someone makes a cutting remark towards you, or some pending news comes along concerning a possible loss of one nature or another. Doesn’t it feel in these unwanted moments as though you’re suddenly caught in a kind of gravitational field, as if something is literally pulling on you, within you, compelling you to seek out that part of yourself best able to consider your new condition? It is this exact inner moment, operating under the law of attraction, that is the real event responsible for the onset of your stressed states.
In and of themselves, our “scary” life-moments are as powerless to punish us as is a make-believe monster on the movie screen. For just as we must “give” ourselves over to the reality of the motion picture before we feel the fear it intends to raise in us, the same provisos hold true when it comes to our stressed moments. Before these familiar shakings and their aching can begin, we must somehow be tricked into believing that what we’re being given to see as the reality of our lives is, indeed, all there is to see about our real lives in that moment.
When we see only our own ideas about why we’re feeling stressed, and they’re telling us how we’re entitled to be miserable, misery makes up the circle of our lives. But when we actually see, within ourselves, that misery loves company, and that we’ve become its closest friend, we’re well on our way to making a new and true friend; to establishing a new relationship with life based in a reality that will not only give us a whole new experience of life, but if this friendship is made fast, we’ll come upon a whole new self within ourselves that never feels despair or defeat.
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