Starcodes: September 20-26


Starcodes week of September 20-26, 2024

Let’s take a moment to assess what’s really important to us this week, whether that’s a peaceful afterlife, a tidy autumnal garden, or a coming political change.

We are at a pivot point, small or large, a potential to shift the balance and open doorways. as the Sun trines the planets most associated with transformation, Pluto and Uranus both now retrograde. Just as we hit the fall equinox, that balance point of light and dark, as the Sun enters Libra on Sunday at 6:43 AM Mountain time – opening doors and calling for a rebalancing. It’s up to us whether we step through those open doorways and take advantage of the moment, or just appreciate a nice fall day. It’s good to know which way we want to pivot.

As the Sun forms a grand trine in earth signs with Pluto and Uranus both retrograde, it hints of changes to come. Pluto and Uranus are now within 2° of a trine, Uranus will retrograde back out of orb soon. When these two tango together, the world changes.

They last trine in 1921-1992, marking the social reconstructions after World War 1. They conjunct in the mid-1960s, squared in 2012 to 2015, the heart of the Obama era, and will soon form a trine. The next few weeks may bring a taste of the evolutionary chaos that Uranus and Pluto can bring.

It’s good to hold onto our long-term goals for the next few weeks and let them direct our choices, but it can be hard to see how we are going to get there while the Sun and Mercury oppose confusing if inspiring Neptune. While it’s a wonderful time to work with our imagination, this opposition can expose – and potentially break open – some illusion, passiveness, or magical thinking that obscures our next step. Let’s choose to see clearly and creatively.

The weekend begins under a stubborn but cuddly Taurus Moon and Virgo Sun, this double earthiness encourages us to work with the practicalities of our situation. The Sun and Moon shift into air signs on Sunday as the Moon enters Gemini and fall begins at 6:43 AM MDT. We feel the bittersweet quality of the beauty of the fall as the summer dies or notice some more personal heart ache as Venus squares Pluto and then enters Scorpio.

Monday is a make it so day, start taking some action on those great ideas. Just don’t push anybody too far out of their emotional comfort zone midweek as the Cancer Moon asked us to catch up with our feelings and can bring some resistance to the speed of the potential changes. It will be really important to parse apart our intuitive and creative hits, which can be wonderfully prolific, from our projected hopes and fears, which can cloud the issue.

Starcodes astrology reading week of September 20 through 26Image by Zoltan Tasi from Unsplash

Friday, September 20: We can feel emotionally or creatively unsettled as Venus in Libra quincunx Uranus, the Sun sets off that grand trine and opposes Neptune. It’s time to get out of a thought-box and experiment, but not to make grand gestures or leave a relationship. The clutch is in, change is possible, but let’s consider carefully where to shift and where we want the sparks to alight. Notice a stubbornly argumentative spark under that fixed Taurus Moon; ask where a debate is productive and where it’s just recreational. Tonight, creature comforts can stabilize us as Taurus Moon sextiles Mars in Cancer.

Moon squares Pluto 2:38 AM, Moon enters Taurus 3:02 AM, Venus quincunx Uranus 11:36 AM, Sun opposes Neptune 6:16 PM, Moon sextile Mars 6:17 PM.

Saturday, September 21: Earth grounds us. Connect with the natural world on this last day of summer as that earthy Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus and resonates with the grand earth trine. From a grounded position we can dream together and create universes as Venus quincunx Neptune. Don’t poke sore points, engage healing conversations tonight as Mercury quincunx Chiron.

Mercury square Jupiter 2:49 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 3:27 AM, Moon trine Mercury 2:30 PM, Venus quincunx Neptune 2:53 PM, Mercury quincunx Chiron 8:58 PM, Moon opposed Uranus 11:28 PM.

Sunday, September 22: We switch from earth energy to nervy, communicative air signs as the Moon enters voluble Gemini at 4:22 AM, the Sun enters egalitarian Libra, and autumn begins at 6:43 AM MDT. Let’s open our minds and expand our mental landscape but keep that grounding we’ve recently been working on. Open doorways can produce strange events. Our moods swirl tonight, whether it’s memories bubbling up from the inside or events in the world, a bittersweet note produces introspection as Venus squares Pluto then enters Scorpio okay.

Sun trine Pluto 12:11 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 1:50 AM, Moon trine Pluto 3:57 AM, Moon trine Sun 4:13 AM, Moon enters Gemini 4:24 AM, the Sun enters Libra 6:43 AM, Venus square Pluto 3:14 PM, Venus enters Scorpio 8:36 PM.

Monday, September 23: Over the weekend we may have conceived or instigated some interesting new ideas, and now it’s time to act on them as the Moon squares Saturn and conjunct Jupiter. Get those ideas down on paper, open up lines of communication and talk about them, but remember that’s talking and doing are not the same thing; follow through great thoughts with concrete action. Political differences may be written in bold type as the Moon tags Saturn and Jupiter, but we can step beyond that garden of right and wrong and look for points in common.

Moon square Saturn 5:58 AM, Moon conjunct Jupiter 4:38 PM.

Tuesday, September 24: Take a deep breath, catch up emotionally, and metabolize recent changes as the Moon enters Cancer while Mercury trines change making Uranus and approaches an opposition to Neptune. Watch an inclination to jump back into the familiar rather than step forward into a potentially interesting situation; instead, ask how to move forward safely and dynamically, one step at a time.

Moon square Mercury 2:13 AM, Moon square Neptune 5:58 AM, Moon enters Cancer 8:50 AM, Mercury trine Uranus 11:27 AM, Moon trine Venus 12:30 PM, Moon square Sun 12:49 PM.

Wednesday, September 25: Conspiracy theories, illusions, delusions, wild imaginings, great flights of fancy, spiritual succor or just the tendency to space out; we get a review of how reality has felt distorted, obscured, or expanded over the last few months as Mercury opposes Neptune and trines Pluto. With the Moon now in sensitive and moody Cancer, we may want to retreat from it all- but let’s just stay on target and look for the complicated layers of will truth. Stay grounded through some wild aspects midday as Mars semi-squares Uranus and Saturn semi-squares Pluto and challenge us with friction from tangential lines and near misses. Then come into a deeper understanding as Mercury trines Pluto tonight.

Mercury opposes Neptune 5:06 AM, Moon conjunct Mars 6:39 AM, Mars semi-square Uranus 10:48 AM, Moon trine Saturn 11:51 AM, Saturn semi-square Pluto 5:11 PM, Mercury trine Pluto 10:13 PM.

Thursday, September 26: Social justice and fair relations are on the front burner today as Mercury enters egalitarian Libra. Do the right thing no matter what. Watch where the mind goes this afternoon as the Moon opposes Pluto then enters Leo and sensitizes our egos. Take anything said with a grain of salt, give people the appreciation they deserve, and reevaluate the situation later tonight as the Moon sextiles Mercury.

Mercury enters Libra 2:08 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 11:02 AM, Moon trine Neptune 1:38 PM, Moon opposed Pluto 4:12 PM, Moon enters Leo 4:47 PM, Moon sextile Mercury 7:17 PM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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