Starcodes: September 27 – October 3


Starcodes week of September 27 – October 3, 2024

It’s a good week to accomplish. The last few weeks have been an important strategic time to dream up and sketch out plans as the Sun and Mercury formed a constructive grand trine with change-inducing Uranus and Pluto, an aspect that could suddenly change our minds or cause us to adapt to changing circumstances. This week we can build momentum on those plans as energizing Mars forms a collaborative trine with organized Saturn.

This sounds positive, but we’ll not be the only ones motivating, those activating transits fall on wild storms and on all people, both those with love in their hearts and those ready for a fight. So let’s watch the weather and notice who makes their move.

Underneath this practical momentum we could feel unusually tender, a little touchy in our digestive systems and wary of risk. Both planets which symbolize our emotional flow, Venus and Mars, are now in deep-feeling water signs symbolized by creatures with an exoskeleton, Scorpio’s scorpion and Cancer’s crab. Both signs help us tap into our deep tenderness within, which can be lovely where we feel safe, but can bring out hellacious defenses when we feel attacked. So go gently with one another. When the claws or stinger show, stand back and consider how to make one another feel safer.

We might also have stomach issues if we’re if feeling nervous about the world with Mars in Cancer the sign the rules the stomach, Venus in Scorpio, the sign that rules organs of procreation and elimination, and with the Moon heading into Virgo on Sunday and Monday, the sign which rules the intestinal tract. If so, sip that peppermint tea, eat gently, and contemplate how to feel safer building the future. Venus in Scorpio moves into a grand trine with Mars and Saturn – all in sensitive water signs, exact next week, and can herald a time to make important emotional decisions.

The weekend begins with the Moon in Leo who likes to do things on a grand scale. That Leo Moon squares Venus in Scorpio, both fixed signs, so we might feel stubborn. We can also feel tension between that part of us that wants to go out and engage the world, and another part that might want to just stay home and tell the world to go away. Timeshare between these two rather than force either side. This Leo-Scorpio tension can also act out between couples or in politics, between our loving side and our grumpy side.

The Moon enters thoughtful Virgo on Sunday as Mars trine Saturn, making it time to get some work done and get organized for the week ahead. On Monday, the Sun and Mercury conjunct in sociable Libra. Although the Sun and Mercury conjunction can focus the mind, it can also blow our objectivity out of the water.

The Moon enters Libra on Tuesday. On Wednesday all three conjunct on the New Moon-Solar eclipse in Libra at 10°. Eclipses can act like astrological acupuncture to unblock blocked energy. Now for most of us this can be a pleasant and sociable day, a chance to organize the aesthetics of our house, though some event could trigger a new awareness of what’s out of whack in this world. But this is also a clarion call to step away from the computer and work towards the great Libra values of peaceful social justice. A call for peace can ironically intensify war, but we can choose to search for that beauty way of peace and balance.

Image by Andrew-Art from Pixabay

Friday, September 27: We’ll want to be fair and friendly today, but could get stuck in our own perspective as the Moon in Leo Moon squares heart-centered Venus. In the morning it furthers to dive into this, consciously put ourselves in the center of our world and take responsibility for what we need. With our wells re-filled we can then be more magnanimous and inclusive this afternoon-and respond with curiosity when the Leo Moon calls us out to dance tonight.

Leo Moon sextile Sun 1:50 AM, Moon square Venus 2:47 AM.

Saturday, September 28: Performance art and political rallies shine as the Leo Moon sextile Jupiter. So does silliness over the family breakfast or a midday chance to socialize. People will be generally positive but it will be important to rotate who leads and whose needs are met first- so no resentment builds up. The mood can get edgier tonight, leaving us easily irritated or spontaneously difficult unless we roll with it; manage unexpected events or outrageous comments as the Moon squares Uranus.

Moon sextile Jupiter 10:04 AM, Moon trine Chiron 11:37 AM, Moon square Uranus 9:35 PM.

Sunday, September 29: Be nice to the guts, nerves can really hit the digestive system after the Moon enters Virgo, we can internalize our worries and critique. We can focus on what we are against more than where were going or set huge goals and feel discouraged because we don’t live up to it. Instead, put Mars’ muscle and enthusiasm into productive saturnine plans and focus on reasonable expectations as Mars trines Saturn. Listen to the soul’s calling, work things out and celebrate every step forward.

Moon enters Virgo 3:41 AM, Moon sextile Venus 8:49 PM, Mars trine Saturn.

Monday, September 30: Our bias may be showing our awareness of the situation can be heavily influenced by our conscious or unconscious emotional flow, our hopes, and fears. We’ll have access to intelligence but not much objectivity as the Sun conjunct Mercury under that waning Virgo Moon. So, let’s be kind to ourselves as well as others and look for the facts needed to make a clear decision. Worry less, fix one thing at a time, and savor moments of alignment.

Moon opposes Saturn 8:37 AM, Moon sextile Mars 9:11 AM, Sun conjunct Mercury 3:09 PM, Moon square Jupiter 10:29 PM.

Tuesday, October 1: Review recent work, follow through on unfinished details, close the deal, and clear the decks before tomorrow’s new Moon. Deal with a sleepy or introspective moment midday as the waning Moon opposes Neptune, then finish up some unfinished business that’s been hanging around for months as the Moon trines Pluto then enters spacious Libra just before dinner. Check in with companions tonight and share from the heart.

Moon trine Uranus 9:59 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 12:42 PM, Moon trine Pluto 3:38 PM, Moon enters Libra 4:19 PM.

Wednesday, October 2: The Sun, Moon, and Mercury conjunct as the Sun is eclipsed at 12:49 PM, which can call for a clearing of the decks and heralds a new beginning. Let go of old situations, relationships, and items which are ugly, unfair, or drain energy. Eclipses can unstick stuck energy, remove things just waiting to shift; it may be time to release an unrequited love or some important thing or process which has not been working, whether we want to or not. Libra calls for social justice, peace, and balance, but every sign holds the threads of its opposite; some will seek peace in response to this eclipse, others will go to war for their idea of peace.

Moon conjunct Sun-solar eclipse at 12:49 PM-10° Libra, Moon conjunct Mercury 4:21 PM.

Thursday, October 3: Venus, Mars, and Saturn form a grand trine in water signs the next few days which can help us make emotional commitments on a good day but can also sharpen our feelings and make people want to jump back to safety if they feel overexposed or not treasured. What we do now interpersonally will be remembered, so let’s make it worthy and loving. Plant good seeds.s

Moon square Mars 12:59 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 11:40 AM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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