Starcodes: September 6-12


Starcodes week of September 6-12, 2024

Anxiety can be a palpable energy field this week, but it doesn’t have to run the show. We wouldn’t be anxious if we didn’t want improvement. Instead of worrying about the future, put that internal excitement to work and step forward in a good direction. Check out those worst-case scenarios, figure out a plan, then focus on exploring hopeful possibilities.

Expect interesting news and be ready to adapt to changing circumstances as Mercury squares change-inducing Uranus then enters its own sign specific and persnickety sign of Virgo, where it sharpens our mind but winds up our nervous system. We could get interesting news about ongoing transformations or have to think fast and adapt to a surprise, whether we come back to a class that’s different than we thought or find that minds and opinions have changed on important work.

Mercury denotes our mental switchboard and the nerve centers of our world – first squared Uranus on July 21, just as President Biden withdrew from the presidential race. Mid-August we worked those changes as Mercury retrograde and squared Uranus again. Mercury, now direct, squares Uranus for the third round asks us to adapt, integrate, then get down to work. At the end September Mercury forms a more felicitous trine to Uranus and eases us into the changes.

Throughout this week Venus in Libra in friendly Libra can help smooth the path of our new relationships and help us keep our hearts open under some otherwise cranky aspects. Venus In Libra also encourages our hearts to long for healthy collective efforts and peace in the world. Mars, now in Cancer, can be more self-protective than aggressive yet can make us angry if we don’t feel safe but grateful when we do. Some people who feel attacked can use the Mercury square Uranus to make truly outrageous accusations.

A friendly Libra Moon on Friday helps us line up support and meet other people in the same boat. It’s a good weekend to tell our stories while Mercury is still in expansive Leo, though lightweight conversation can be irritating, the real work will feel meaningful under the deep Scorpio Moon.

This weekend also calls for some focused maturity – or we may just feel old and creaky – as the Sun opposes Saturn. We’ll feel younger towards the middle of next week as the Moon enters Sagittarius and encourages us to connect with the early fall foliage and take a frank if lighthearted, maybe even sarcastic, view of our concerns. On Thursday, the Moon enters competent Capricorn as Mercury sextiles Mars and helps us put our plans into action. Next week Mercury is out of its shadow and the fall work builds momentum.

Starcodes week of September 6 through 12Image by Stocksnap from Pixabay

Friday, September 6: Serious matters need attention soon, but today work on bonding, team-building, and clarifying goals as the sociable Libra moon trines Jupiter. Afternoon could throw us a wildcard and ask us to deal with an unexpected challenge or gift; we can get either snarky or insightful as Mercury squares Uranus and the moon enters edgy Scorpio. Deep conversation furthers. Explore the mystery of a changing plot line.

Moon trine Jupiter 2:08 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 5:10 PM, Mercury square Uranus 10:20 PM, Moon square Pluto 11:08 PM, Moon enters Scorpio 11:18 PM.

Saturday, September 7: Engage on a deep level or take private time as the moon in Scorpio trines active Mars this morning. Introspect, but don’t poke into another person’s privacy without permission. Responsibilities can weigh on us as the Sun opposes Saturn, let’s assess whether we’re just being asked to be an adult or are we taking on unnecessary work and need to hand it back. Let’s be proud of what we bring to the table.

Moon trine Mars 2:23 AM, Sun opposed Saturn 10:35 PM.

Sunday, September 8: It can feel like the rules are changing and we can’t quite get our foothold this morning as Mercury forms irritating aspects to Neptune and Pluto. Know that many gears are shifting and spinning so the answer may still be up in the air; rather than worry, stay involved and aware. Lean into competent patterns and familiar routines while waiting for the dust to clear.

Mercury quincunx Neptune 4:51 AM, Moon trine Saturn 7:37 AM, Moon sextiles Sun 8:28 AM, Mercury quincunx Pluto 10:54 PM.

Monday, September 9: Concentrate on one thing at a time. Don’t interrupt other’s focus; people can get cranky, demanding, or even mean this morning as Mercury enters its own brilliant but concerned sign of Virgo under an edgy Scorpio moon. Midday the moon shifts in the Sagittarius and we’ve got more room to solve problems and enjoy the process. Be honest, be real, but don’t be mean.

Mercury enters Virgo 10:50 AM, Moon opposed Uranus 5:58 AM, Moon trine Neptune 9:07 AM, Moon sextile Pluto 11:11 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 11:25 AM, Moon square Mercury 12:49 PM.

Tuesday, September 10: We may want to run away from home, run off to an adventure, or at least run errands as the Sagittarius moon sextiles Venus. If we find ourselves recreationally complaining, let’s ask ourselves why we are so restless, for what does our soul hunger; Pursue the real need instead of complaining about what’s in our way.

Moon sextile Venus 4:47 PM, Moon square Saturn 6:02 PM.

Wednesday, September 11: Our hearts can have an existential heaviness this morning as Venus quincunx Saturn. Maybe we feel the echo of this tough anniversary in American history, or more personal or current heartache prompts a thoughtful melancholy. This evening offers an opportunity to speak openly and clearly if we can keep our heart and head connected as Mercury sextiles Mars and the moon enters responsible Capricorn. But don’t tell people what to do unless advice is actually requested.

Moon square Sun 12:05 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 2:06 AM, Venus quincunx Saturn 4:51 AM, Moon square Neptune 6:20 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 8:37 PM, Mercury sextile Mars 9:41 PM.

Thursday, September 12: Form follows function as heart-and art- centered Venus approaches a trine with Jupiter; creative juices stir but we’ll want beauty to work with competence and practicality. Insecurity can come out as one-upmanship or unnecessary control issues; let’s just stay focused in our lane and get it done.

Sun square Jupiter 4:52 AM, Moon opposite Mars 4:56 AM, Moon trine Mercury 5:35 AM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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