The Hand in Psychoanalysis


The ancient Greeks were very learned people in various healing disciplines. Their philosophy was studied by Freud, who based a lot of his ideas on their teachings. Unfortunately, almost 1 million of their valuable and ancient healing documents were burnt at Alexandria in 145 B.C. At that time, Greek medical hand reading, or Cheirosophy, was a skilled science.

At primary school I suddenly realized I was able to quote from Shakespeare and read the hands of kids in the playground. My palmistry was not a modern palmistry, but some thing from a very long way back, and ideal for those with mental trauma such as PTSD.

Transactional Analysis was devised by Eric Berne in the late 1950s, as a reaction to over intellectualism and constant theorizing. He wanted to demystify the psychoanalysis of the time Freuds super-ego ego and id became simplified to the parent adult and child. Berne believed that it was also too impersonal and too internally rooted.

There are many similarities with Eric Bernes work and early Greek and Indian Palmistry.
Carl Jung himself was a student of reading hands and could see trauma in hands. I have been teaching how to read hands here for almost 15 years – some of you who have sent your palm readings to me have become very good.

palm reading psychoanalysisCan you spot the trauma trapped between the layers of the psyche in this hand?

  1. A small island at the start to the lifeline, this shows some mystery around the birth. Birth trauma affects the whole journey through lives.
  2. Mercury finger leaning sharply away, the finger is thin stunted and malnourished.
  3. This means the natural energy flowing through is severely impeded.
  4. Headline: breaking up into 3 separate sections, inferring a breakdown…
  5. …which shows on the lifeline at approximately 50-52 years old.
  6. Heartline: uneven, ragged, broken and fuzzy, the emotional land scape has been under long term strain, this with spiral fingerprints always means high blood pressure.
  7. She sought therapy, around the age of 50, for what was done to her as a child.
  8. First (or Jupiter) finger short showing very low self-esteem, the fat basal phalange means comfort/binge eating.

Too many lines visible in the palm and fingers, a sign of anxiety stress and eventual adrenal burnout. The life (and Mars) line crash together and diffuse on the Moon, mount again at age 50. Menopause is a time of physical and emotional changes, it is often a time for internal release. Notice the clinging together of the 2 middle fingers, a sign of long-term depression. The crooked finger of the emotions, leaning heavily to the finger of destiny, is a major cry for help, the lines up the fingertips are confirmation.

Several signs in this hand show a condition known as Frozen Trauma, part of PTSD where the person remains static trapped in the pain of what occurred. I saw this a lot with soldiers back from Iraq. But this poor woman, who was abused as a child, kept it all in until she came for healing. She did not have to say a word – her hands told the whole story. If this rings any bells with you, please seek help.

T. Stokes “Happy Palmistry”

My best-selling palmistry Book, 50 Case Histories in Modern Palmistry is now on its 8th reprint, each edition has several new additions.

Whole lives read from emailed hand photos.
[email protected]


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T. Stokes
T. Stokes, Holistic Palmist, has many years of study under such masters as Mir bashir, Cyrus Abayakoon Chun Li PO and David Brandon Jones, and healing masters Harry Edwards, and Abe Solomons, and psychologists Henry Rey Joyce Mc Dougall and Hans Eysenck have given him a deep understanding of the human condition. He was a lecturer in paraspiritual studies, metaphysics, and eschatology. He writes for magazines worldwide and is author of "50 CASE STUDIES IN MODERN PALMISTRY."



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