I am goldenrod, don’t mistake me for ragweed. I am an incredible asset to your herbal apothecary. However, I often get mistaken for ragweed, and because of this, people don’t like me because they think I am the cause of their allergy ailments when, in reality, I can help them.
Goldenrod is a marvelous herb for helping with skin disorders, inflammation, infections, and more. If you make a goldenrod oil infusion, you can create an excellent salve for skin irritation and rashes. This salve is also great for eczema and minor skin wounds. If you have problems with muscle spasming, then this is a wonderful salve to put on those muscles to help calm them down.
This herb is excellent for aches and pains as it’s an anti-inflammatory. Reducing swelling helps to decrease pressure and pain in joints and other areas of the body. It also helps the kidneys as it acts as a diuretic. When used in tea form, it’s said to help flush out kidney stones and even prevent them. Studies have shown that it stops inflammatory disease of the urinary tract. Goldenrod may be the herb for you if you are prone to kidney infections. Do you have an enlarged prostate? Goldenrod could help with that.
Goldenrod (Solidago) extract is shown to be antimicrobial and anti-fungal, which helps with illnesses and yeast infections, breaks down mucous in the lungs, and alleviates allergies, colds, and even flu symptoms. It is also great for relieving upper respiratory congestion.
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