Karma and Self-Forgiveness


It can be easy to get down on ourselves for perceived mistakes. You may judge yourself for choosing a difficult job, picking that impossible boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse, losing a friend, etc. But what if these people and situations were not mistakes at all? What if they were all soul contracts that you choose to learn from before you were born? This concept is what we call karma.

We all come to this planet to work through karma, shaped by unresolved ancestral or past life issues. Typically, we choose a category to work through such as intimate relationship, family, friends, career/finances, or health. Within these areas there can also be sub-categories, such as abuse, hyper-vigilance, addiction, and depression.

These karmic people and experiences are divinely orchestrated by your Higher Self, to help you learn and grow. Most of the people you attract for the biggest learnings are in your soul group, which are the souls you have all your lifetimes with – either incarnated together or helping from the other side. These individuals may be difficult, supportive, or somewhere in between. They are chosen because you are close souls so they make the most impact on you. This means there’s a greater chance you’ll learn the lesson. It’s all part of the cosmic plan to transform your karma or issues completely, so you can break free of the karmic cycle of reincarnation everyone’s been in for eons.

One of our greatest tasks is to practice self-forgiveness for our perceived karmic mistakes. When we hold onto guilt or shame it acts like a glue keeping the karmic cycle on repeat, making it harder to progress.

healing karma and self-forgiveness

Letting go of self-judgement, guilt, and shame doesn’t mean excusing mistakes; it means that you don’t need to judge yourself for perceived mistakes and can forgive yourself once you’ve learned the lesson. Similarly, forgiving others doesn’t mean you stay with the mean boyfriend or girlfriend, difficult friend, or job that’s not a fit. Instead, it means you learn from it, let it go, and move on without resentment. Forgiveness is, at its core, letting go.

How Can You Do This?

Start with intention. Once you identify a specific karmic category, ask that your Higher Self directs and your optimal spirit guides assist to transform this category of learning and any subcategories that go with it. You can use your intuition, reflect on patterns in your life, or use a combination of both.

It may be easier to work on ancestral and past-life issues first, as this moves out the heavier issues connected to your karma so that working on your current life doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Ask your Higher Self and spirit guides for support in this process, including crossing over ancestors or past lives who haven’t crossed over, since they lock in the energies, along with asking that the energies transform from these issues.

School for Higher Consciousness energetic healing audio Unlock Hidden SupportYou can also clear things up by going into how your body feels. For example, if your body feels heavy, depressed, anxious, sad, angry, painful or off balance, you can focus on where you’re noticing these things within you. As you tune into your body, you may receive images, words, sensations and knowings about what’s going on with yourself. Or you may simply feel things release or notice that your body is resistant to letting something go. Stay with it as long as you can. Sometimes it can take a while for something to move out, so keep with it.

For more persistent issues within your ancestry, other lifetimes, and current life, working with counselor or practitioner can provide support and introduce you to new tools. Some challenges benefit from an extra layer of help.

We are fortunate to be born in an era where we can transform the past and move forward together. As the Hopi Indians say, “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.” Let’s join hands and do this work together!

Many blessings,

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded the School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops and also experience through her energetically healing audios. Some of the protocols are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Experience an Energetic Healing Audio for yourself.


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Maureen Higgins
Maureen Higgins, M.A., founded Wings of Freedom in 1998, a cutting-edge energetic healing practice that empowers people to transform their personal, ancestral, and karmic issues. Explore her energetic healing audios, set up like an in-person session, allowing for effective transformational work on a daily basis! Expand your intuitive abilities and develop energetic healing skills through her School for Higher Consciousness. Your time to fly has come!


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