Mother Nature Speaks


Bubble, bubble
No toil, no trouble
Let the winds blow In peace and harmony
While humans are busy destroying themselves and the world
Let us concentrate on healing, peace and harmony
With and within ecosystems to conserve biodiversity
Let it flow. increase and multiply to epic proportions
Elephants with the vast knowledge and skills
To stomp, populate and grow their ecosystem
Wild horses to chew, encourage regrowth and gallop freely
Their manes free flowing in the winds as their benefits increase foliage
Whales, those darling ecosystem engineers,
Who pump, move, flux and populate to disperse nutrients
For fish we so dearly need for survival
Yes while humans act wildly toward each other barbaric and shameful
Dominating each other and that which even benefits themselves
Forgive them Father, for they know not better
Their egos tempted and inflamed by wickedness until they get their way
Not until they destroy so much they revert into themselves
Will they understand what they are missing and overlooking
The natural world is full of not just beauty but balance
So needed in the human world
Wake up you intelligent beings
See the mysteries unfolding before you.
Starting with your very birth
Make it worth the days and nights
As death you can not escape
How do you wish to spend your days?
With toil and trouble or in harmony and balance?
Maybe you know only one
Let us teach each other how to positively benefit the world we live in
Let us find common viewpoints and work from there
Species roam the earth, co-mingle and flourish
When the floods, fires and combat land us all in the same local
From death, destruction and demise
We must not kill to the last of survival
The birds and bees and wasps
Bring much balance even through their tiny size is much strength
To muster through our destruction
Orangutans reach out to stop the machines from destroying habitat
Butterflies indicate weather and carry forth seeds of change
Wooly monkeys swing from trees near rivers
Seabirds carry nutrients between ecosystems – land, air and sea
The albatross not of toil and trouble but rather benefit
The Amazon is filled with marvels
Let us not destroy oxygen from trees we need to breathe
Flowers bursting with color not merely for our benefit
Attracting bees and insects while delighting us with its beauty
Yes these are the very things we need to focus on
To heal the world and each other
So much unknown in the world

mother nature speaks poem

Can we stop long enough to appreciate it?
Can we join forces for good instead of evil?
I am thankful for the keystone species and individuals
Who have come out of their caves to share the marvels of the world
Einstein, Goodall, Crousteau, Attenborough, Ocean Alliance, Sea Shepard, Suzuki and more
Let us continue researching the many benefits each species can provide to the natural world
We forget the ancient knowledge of ancestors when the world was less comfortable and convenient
The times we all sat around the fire to tell stores
Pick berries in the first morning dew
Help each other mend clothing,
We treat the world as throw away
But all life is sacred and necessary for us all to grow
Imagine life in the octopus’ garden as a reality
Will you then still blow up, send missiles and drones to overcome obstacles?
Only skilled negotiators can jump a hurdle without jumping
Take the time for conversation and go around instead of through
It is time for new ways of being, a new awakening
Humans have left 3% of all land untouched
3% and quickly dwindling to nothingness
Stop the killing, put down your weapons, run for your lives
The earth is imploding and you with it
Do you wish for your days to be spent
Continually destroying or can you find
The part buried inside that cares for the unborn child
The future looks bleak but let nature not fool you
It will survive once humans are all gone
Mother Nature will breathe a sign of relief
To rid itself of the specks of dust that get into her eyes while she rubs us out
With tears that flow, anger that burns, quakes that rock the world
And wind that wipes out the very development we took from her to develop.


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Maria Lisa Polegatto
Maria Lisa Polegatto grew up and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, where she works full time. To rest and relax she loves to retreat into nature and spend time with animals enjoying the magic that surrounds us. Contact Maria Lisa at


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