Secret Chakras


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
– Nikola Tesla

In June 2024, I went to Bell Rock in Sedona, Arizona. I’ve been to Bell Rock twice, but this time, I wanted to connect with my chakras and the power of the wind.

As I sat at the foothills of Bell Rock, I could feel the energy as the faint smell of dust and pine swirled around my body. The energy felt alive and curious. I put my left hand on the trunk of a pinyon pine tree and my right hand on the red rocks near my hip. Tiny beads of sweat were on my brow, so I was grateful for the shade under the tree.

I closed my eyes to meditate. I could hear people talking in the distance. I held my position as people walked by. Bell Rock is a popular place to visit, so I knew I would not get any privacy.

As I meditated, I asked the wind to balance my chakras. A gentle wind gust touched my skin, and I felt a strong pull to go deeper into my spirituality. I realized there was so much to learn and discover at that moment.

I felt more grounded this time in Sedona. I was an emotional mess the first time I was there in 2016. I couldn’t get grounded. I was tearful and felt the instability of my relationships.

During this trip, however, my focus was on the chakras. Most people know the seven chakras align with the spine (see the chart). Traditional Chinese medicine, Reiki, Thai yoga massage, Chiropractic adjustments, Qigong, and yoga poses work with the chakras.

One secret is that the only way to enlightenment is through the physical world. We are here to raise our vibration and climb the spiral ladder from Earth to Heaven. We must also focus on positive thoughts to reach higher chakras.


The first step on the ladder is the base or root chakra, Muladhara. The bija mantra for this chakra is “LAM” with the vowel sound “UH.” The root chakra connects us to the physical world, the physical body, and material objects. It is easy for humans to become stuck in this chakra because of attachments. Material objects are a trap for the human spirit. Humans can overcome their attachments to material possessions by practicing meditation and mindfulness.

The second chakra is Svadhishthana – the bija mantra “VAM” with the vowel sound “OOO.” It is to wake up our creative energy. The location is near the sacrum and reproductive organs. When we have a free mind, we can create. A distracted mind is a full mind. Meditating, daydreaming, and contemplating are some ways to allow more creativity. We must always make space for divine messages to come to us.

The third chakra is Manipura – the bija mantra“RAM” with the vowel sound “OH.” It is located in the solar plexus and represents the sun, fire, energy, digestion, and transformation. I remember learning to transfigure using the solar plexus chakra in my women’s shamanic class. To transfigure, I imagine the sunbeam shining into my solar plexus. Then, the light expands to fill my physical body. The light increases my vibration and makes me more “bright.”

The fourth chakra is Anahata – the bija mantra “YAM” with the vowel sound “AH.” It is the heart chakra. This chakra spins like a vortex with the rhythm of the heart. It also connects with the hands, as the hands can help or hurt. We have a choice every day to listen to our hearts and be positive. Love is the highest vibration. Also, to find your heart’s sincere desire, look in your treasure chest.

We hear so often that we need a strong mind. However, we also need a strong heart. The heart connects with emotions and the Earth. The Earth and heart share the same letters – move the “E” and the “H.”

The fifth chakra is Vishuddha – the bija mantra “HAM” with the vowel sound “EYE.” It is in the throat area and spins with communication. It is also the bridge between the heart and the head. The heart, throat, and third eye chakras combine the physical and spiritual worlds.

The sixth chakra is the Ajna – bija mantra “SHAM” or “OM” with the vowel sound “AY.” It is located between the eyebrows and is called the “third eye.” This chakra is the sixth sense. It spins with intuition and perception beyond the human body. The word “SHAM” connects with shamanism. A shaman works with the spirit world to facilitate healing.

The seventh chakra is the Sahasrara – bija mantra “OM” with the vowel sound “EEE.” It is at the top of the head and connects humans to heaven. The rainbow is complete. After the storm, there’s a rainbow and the promise of eternal life.

Numerous smaller chakras are in each joint of the body along energy paths or meridians. In 2015, I noticed that yoga classes in India included joint rotations. The yoga teacher took time to rotate each joint. It is a secret that humans have additional smaller chakras, and they can release endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers).

The joint rotations roll one way for yin and the other way for yang. It reminds me of the movie “The Karate Kid” when Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel to “Wax on, wax off.” The right hand was to “wax on,” and the left was to “wax off” – representing yang (pingala) and yin (ida) movements.

The human spine resembles a snake with its gentle twists and turns. It is the Kundalini, the coiled snake. The snake is a twin – yin and yang. Divine feminine and masculine energy circulates in the human body.

The first step to awakening the Kundalini is to open the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine. This chakra connects with the Earth and our physical needs and desires. Then, each step through the chakras reaches the third eye chakra (Ajna). The third eye chakra opens the door to all wisdom and knowledge and helps us reach our potential. All the chakras must be open to reach the final door or realization. Many yoga and breathing techniques “wake up” the sleeping coiled snake.

According to ancient texts, sound is another way to open up the chakras, is by reciting mantras. Sound is vibration. Energy is vibration. Music is vibration.

Even though I live far away from Bell Rock, I can still connect with its energy with my seven chakra crystal singing bowls, which are inverted bells. I just learned that massive bronze bells would ring for the community in the past, sending healing vibrations. When people hear bells ring, their hearts and minds synch in harmony.

secret planet chakras third eye
“Third Eye” photo by Gina M. Gafford (June 2024)

As I was leaving Bell Rock, I took a photo of it from my car (see photo above). An eye shape floated above Bell Rock. It may be a lens flair, but it reminded me to live in the present and tune into my inner chakra bells.


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Gina M. Gafford
Gina M. Gafford is an author, Certified Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Registered Yoga Teacher, and Photographer. Gina has a master’s degree in Holistic Health Studies. She loves to travel, and in 2015 she traveled to India to study Ayurveda, meditation, and yoga. She lives in Minnesota, and you can contact her at Please visit her blog at


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