Starcodes: December 20-26


Starcodes week of December 20-26, 2024

Blessings on this Solstice. The Sun will rise and set in the same northern point for three days- then begin to inch southward. We celebrate the return of light, hope, and potential as the days grow longer. But first we need to get through a couple of cold months.

This cycle can be symbolically powerful in years when the world seems dark and that spark of hope hard to find. Nature’s cycles remind us that no condition stays the same, the darkest nights grow shorter, spring returns, summer arches full, and the Sun cycles back down into the winter’s quiet. In that quiet we can rest, burn our woes in the fire and find fresh dreams to inspire the new year ahead.

The Sun enters Capricorn on Saturday and asks us to look again at the traditions of our life, honor what grounds us, supports us, connects us to the best of our ancestors. Whether we celebrate the solstice on the 21st at 2:21 am, Christmas, the birth of Mithras, or the beginning of Hannukah on Dec 25, or begin Kwanzaa December 26, on these first lengthening days we can invite joy into our hearts in defiance of the winter’s cold and our world weariness, and have faith in cycles, in the return of the light, the return of a compassionate world.

Along with the Solstice, the two planets of social structure and culture, Jupiter and Saturn, square off this week. Usually when these two planets square off or oppose, our opinions square off and the political parties argue at cross purposes. This square brings a substantial but temporary stalemate in politics and in our conversation about how we need to live our life at the family dinner table. This too shall pass.

First, this darkest weekend starts busy and intelligently under a Virgo Moon which brings our mind to all the work we have left to do, whether it’s on our desk or in our soul’s progress. Winter begins at 2:20 AM Saturday morning as the Sun enters Capricorn and the Virgo Moon opposes Saturn, initiating a thoughtful, contemplative, time. Find a way to honor this quiet moment and take a chance to heal a layer of the past. Let go of traditions that no longer serve and create ones that are now relevant.

The Moon enters Libra on Sunday and softens the mood. Look for a potential emotional healing between family members, or healing by the creative process, as Venus sextiles Chiron early in the week.

On Christmas Eve, a lovely Libra Moon adds beauty and sociability but play it safe; avoid sled collisions whether you’re riding a one-horse open sleigh or flying with reindeer as the Sun quincunx Mars.

Christmas Day/Hannukah/Birth of Mithras brings a Scorpio Moon with some tricky aspects; don’t make people act cheerful if they don’t feel like it. This may be a time of deep memories and deeper thoughts, a sweet contemplative time. If people are short-tempered today, let them go to their own corners or get everybody out on a walk rather than try to argue it out. Puzzles, meditations spiritual practice, or curling up with a good book further.

Starcodes week of December 20 through 26Image by Eberhard Grossgasteiger from Unsplash

Friday, December 20: Although our minds may drift to sugar plums and Solstice fires, an industrious Virgo Moon asks us to finish up work or prepare for festivities. Don’t let an ambient anxiety or impatience seep into friendly relations. Be clear about expectations and keep a sense of humor; remember the details only matter because they contribute when they contribute to a worthy whole. If tension just before dinner intimates a pressing deadline as the Moon squares Mercury; stay on target and love people all the same. Then step into the quiet of the Solstice weekend.

Moon enters Virgo at 12:36 AM MST, Moon squares Mercury 4:45 PM.

Saturday, December 21: Blessings on this Solstice. The Sun enters Capricorn before dawn, at 2:19 am MST, and winter begins. With the Sun and Moon in practical earth signs it can be easy to waste this day in simple chores. Go ahead and work, but also take a moment to contemplate the sacredness of the quiet dark and of earthiness, the sacredness of the natural world and the spiritual path of family and chosen family, of being of service to the world. Contemplate the sacred necessity of healthy boundaries. Evening can bring a special glow, break routine, and appreciate unique interaction says the Moon trines Uranus.

Sun enters Capricorn at 2:20 AM, Moon opposes Saturn 3:38 AM, Moon square Jupiter 4:54 AM, Moon trine Uranus 11:49 PM.

Sunday, December 22: Share dreams after that long night as the Moon opposed Neptune, look for hints of the year to come. Catch up with the details of people’s lives, share brunch, enjoy a contemplative moment. At noon, the Moon enters more sociable Libra and trines Pluto, encouraging us to form deeper connections and go on a journey together. Engage in a conversation on what is fair, start theoretically and consider the big picture of what is equitable; if it meets resistance -just drop a few thoughts into the pond and let it resonate.

Moon apposed Neptune 6:26 AM, Moon enters Libra 12:07 PM, Moon trine Pluto 1:43 PM, Moon square Sun 3:17 PM, Moon sextile Mars 8:59 PM.

Monday, December 23: Today has the potential to be busy, lighthearted, but poignant; bringing up an opportunity to heal some familiar emotional patterns as Venus sextiles Chiron. Memories of past holidays float through and may need a minute; don’t get stuck in the past but do consider lighting a candle.

Moon sextile mercury 9:21 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 4:51 PM, Venus sextile Chiron 5:45 PM.

Tuesday, December 24: We can both honor the season and feel the weight of big political sea changes as Jupiter squares Saturn. Opinions square off. The Sun quincunx Mars and can instigate a nervous impulsiveness or low irritation threshold, but physical movement, or a chance to safely vent can shift moods. Acknowledge anxiety about the flow of history but don’t let anxious grit irritate relationships. Prioritize safety and coziness tonight. Consider prepping breakfast so that morning is easier.

mood trine Venus 3:43 AM, Jupiter square Saturn 2:59 PM, Sun quincunx Mars 9:59 PM.

Wednesday, December 25: Don’t slip in stocking feet this morning as Moon enters Scorpio and squares Pluto and Mars, the day feels safer after breakfast. Feel the moody winds blowing, honor them constructively, and stay present rather compare this year to other years or go down a rabbit hole of resentment or sadness. Instead, let’s follow that Scorpio Moon deeper into our hearts, deeper into connection, deeper into thoughtful curiosity. It can be wonderful to concentrate on assembling the toy train or other creative project, just keep it playful.

Moon enters Scorpio 1:06 AM, Moon square Pluto 2:51 AM, Moon square Mars 8:44 AM, Moon sextile Sun 9:59 AM.

Thursday, December 26th: Engage interesting but compassionate conversations today as verbal Mercury opposes expansive Jupiter. Just know when to be quiet and listen. That Scorpio Moon can both stir our curiosity and stimulate our desire for privacy, which can be a tough combination over the family lunch. Ask good questions but respect boundaries. Truth comes to the surface with spacious acceptance.

Moon trine Saturn 5:30 AM, mercury opposed Jupiter 3:47 PM, Moon square Venus 10:07 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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