You are a creation of the Deep; drawn to explore not just an unknowable mystery, but to take an unimaginable journey into the depths of an unnamable Being… and all without having to take a single step outside of yourself.
We are made in the image of the Divine. Now, that doesn’t mean all that we hope it means. It actually means more than that! It means that you and I, as humans, exist in a temporal form that is, for all intents and purposes, a place where a host of magnificent laws and forces converge. Opposing forces reconcile and create a body that is essentially the mirror of a set of perfect opposites – right hand, left hand, right eye, left eye.
And this present consciousness that occupies this body sees the world outside of itself as being separate from itself, which in one sense, it is. For instance, I look up and see a window – and that window is over “there.” I can feel it and my body can sense it. Our consciousness tells us, therefore, through these senses, that there is “me” and there is “you” and that I have consciousness. There is me and there is my consciousness. This is the basis of a certain fundamental (necessary) experience at the level of this nature that we presently are living from.
But the problem with this understanding – that I have consciousness – is that it immediately blocks us from understanding that, yes, I have consciousness — but as a creation of what is Divine, I am consciousness. Not, I have consciousness; I am consciousness.
In one world there is a consistent sense of being apart from everything that takes place, produced by a host of reactions both pro and con, where my sense of self is constantly stirred into existence because of the difference that exists between myself and what I perceive as being my consciousness. And then there is another order of a human being, where we don’t have consciousness, but rather we are consciousness.
Listen to me – you will never have a moment in the rest of your existence that isn’t already a part of your consciousness. It is impossible. And you know this. When you have an epiphany, it isn’t all of a sudden like, “Oh, God, I never saw that before. I never knew that.” Yes, I never saw it, but I did know that was true. I’ve always known that was the truth. Why? Because that understanding exists in another dimension in one of our Father’s mansions, if you will — we’re just not attuned to it. We’re not living in a world that holds that. Instead, we’re living in a world that’s trying to get a hold of stuff, so that we can get past the very thing that’s answered in the moment of a revelation.
Image by Marcos Paulo Prado from Unsplash
We’re working towards understanding that within us lives a series of levels of consciousness – many mansions. Each and every one of these subsequent levels of consciousness are actually descending levels of consciousness — starting with the Godhead, starting with what was uncreated into creation — and then each and every level of consciousness coming down. So that the higher the level of consciousness, the less divided things are.
Can you see that everything comes out of each of these subsequent levels of consciousness, and eventually these levels of consciousness begin to manifest through the laws that they are the incorporation of – that is, entities, forms, relationships? So that we get to a point here on the earth where you and I appeared. And we are, as we are, an embodiment of these laws.
Now, you cannot change the laws that govern the different levels. How many of you are beginning to realize you cannot change the laws that govern your relationships because you’ve rewritten the book four hundred thousand times, haven’t you? “You know, I have come up with so many different reasons why nobody understands me, and they still don’t. Because if you only knew how deep and sensitive I am. If you only knew. If you knew that, you would never say stuff like that to me. You wouldn’t do it!” The proof of this deep sensitivity is how much you suffer because people don’t get it. And then, your suffering turns into desperation. And then your desperation turns into a fistfight, because you’re sensitive.
What I’m trying to show you is the idea of opposites. I’m trying to show you that the condition that you blame for any conflict isn’t apart from the consciousness that sows that manifestation – that produces the very pain that you blame on things outside of you.
And while it’s true we cannot change the laws that govern each of these different levels of consciousness, we can change our relationship to these dimensions, these levels of consciousness. That’s our gift.