A Palm Reading of Queen Camilla


Queen Camilla palm reading

1. Queen Camilla’s Palm is broad topped, triangular with a heavy-set mount of Pluto and narrow angle between the thumb and the palm with the Jupiter Mount being higher set than other mounts. This is predominantly a dynamic hand. The extra right angles and chunky, square rigidity provide some added practicality.

2. The dramatically low set Mercury finger in conjunction with a long enough Jupiter finger and high Jupiter mount provide the image of someone who has enough self-belief but little confidence; this can create the psychological pattern of self-sabotage.

Dynamic hands struggle in relationships almost always due to their inability to share and understand the deeper feelings.

She is authoritative and has leadership abilities, is prideful and ambitious but lacks self-worth enough to stand on her own two feet in authoritative positions.

The bending Jupiter finger is almost always seen in those who had overly critical parental figures during the crucial years of ego development. This has left Camilla requiring the support of others when making decisions, having impacted on her confidence permanently.

Camilla has many masculine qualities about her and likely inherited more from her father than her mother.

3. The Apollo finger is wasted at the second phalanx, but large at the base and tip.
Here we see the criticism she received points towards her mother and as a result finds herself at times prejudiced towards those of the same sex.

She has a highly critical eye as well as nature, she is a nit-picker and likely argumentative with such a well-developed inner mount of Mars. It’s possible she prejudges others purely on aesthetics, this is in part because of her innate affinity with natural beauty and her shrewd eye for detail.

The shortened Apollo shows she doesn’t care for the thoughts of public opinion. Perhaps Charles admires this trait in his suitors?

Queen Camilla palm reading closeup4. The mount of Pluto in palmistry is probably the most mysterious and one of the most misunderstood areas of the palms. It is an area of ancestral memory recall. Camilla’s inherent personality traits and skill set have been directly passed down through her paternal heritage and has possibly inherited talents and memories from a previous life.

Pluto holds a vastness of the water element and is a direct reason for Camilla’s compatibility towards Charles as they share strong beliefs and feelings around natural beauty and cosmic order.

5. The high Rising beginning to a headline in palmistry is a sign of leadership qualities leadership by example. In the left hand only, this sign reveals she feels many wish to follow in her footsteps.

Camilla is a tiger woman having a separate head and lifeline – she is independent and free thinking. She is likely seen as scatty, unrealistic but resourceful, unconventional and unorthodox in her methods and her unique beliefs by her peers. These again are likely many things she has in common with Charles and traits he admires in her.

The narrow space between the head and heart line despite her unorthodox thinking shows a blinkered narrow-minded approach as does her angle of her thumb.
She has unusual views, and is set in these.

6. Camilla’s only viewable relationship line indicates how this Union has impacted her both emotionally and practically, far more so than her previous marriage. it’s clear to see that Camilla loves Charles however, heavy is the head that wears the Crown. the relationship appears to be Bowing downwards slightly, indicating the weight of the relationship. Enough public opinion will weigh down on anyone despite Camilla’s indifference towards external views.

7. Camilla’s fate line stems from very low down in two Luna on the left hand whereas on the right, it can be seen attached to a wrist line on Neptune, forming a triangle at its roots.

This shows her feelings about her destiny in the limelight, directly affected by the actions of the opposite sex. On her right hand her fate line shows the acquisition of assets through inheritance or direct familial involvement.

At the age of roughly 70, Camilla’s fate and Sun lines can be seen branching into perfect tridents. these remarkably positive signs are precisely what you’d expect to see on the hands of wealthy and successful aristocracy, having the branches of prosperity yielding fruit at this age.

8. Camilla’s Lifeline narrowly arcs around her Venus mount, creating an isolated lifestyle and reduced social circle and support network. This way of life began at age 26 on the lifeline, the age when she first married.

At the age of 55 it is possible she lost loved one a mother line can be seen striking at the lifeline on the left hand showing the emotional influence of this event.

Simultaneously at this time on her right hand, a travel line can be seen curving from lunar pointing towards the life at this time. Enriching cosmic influences here provided a healthy amount of luck.

At the age of 55, Camila married the then Prince Charles.

It is vital that Camilla broadens her social Horizons and behaves more like the tiger that she is, taking a leap into the unknown would do her confidence the world of good as well as making new friends, learning new things, eradicating her prejudices and increasing her social network.

Camilla appears to be remarkably healthy and I have no doubt that she will live to a good age, enjoying quality of life throughout the next 7 years.

In 2031 there will be another outside influence from Pluto looking to take away from Camilla’s life, possibly Charles himself, along with assets. She is in danger of pining at this time.

I believe I know the age of her passing, but I will not share this. Grief is isolating but deadly to those who have self-isolated.

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Pisces Palmist
O. Reynolds, (Pisces Palmist) is a YouTube palm reader, having over 20 years of study following in the footsteps of holistic palmistry master, T. Stokes. With invaluable experience in herbal alternative consultation and as a social care assessor, he possesses a deep interest and knowledge in psychology, philosophy and metaphysics. These insights have given him unique tools towards enabling greater self-understanding through professional hand analysis. He is currently writing a book on palmistry.


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