Exact time of new moon: January 29, 2025 at 6:35am Central
To say that things are changing is an understatement. We astrologers have looked ahead at this year for many years, knowing that Pluto is now fully situated in Aquarius for the next almost 20 years. This New Aquarius Moon has a reverberation in our lives, not just for the next month, like a normal New Moon, but for the next couple of decades.
In order to fully understand our role, task, challenge, and… salvation… for the next month to two decades, it’s important that we fully understand the Aquarius seasonal archetype and embody its most positive and powerful attributes lest we devolve both individually and collectively into its dark and painful shadows. Yes, it’s like that.
If we use a seedling as a metaphor for ourselves, it is in Capricorn season where the seed commits to its choice to exist. The seedling may cautiously and partially break out of its shell and turn its attention towards the Earth. It sets its roots into rich soil and finds something solid to hold onto.
Image by Darkmoon Art from Pixabay
In Aquarius season, that seedling commits to fully leaving its shell and turns its attention upwards. But it is dark. We can only grow away from gravity’s pull in hopes that we will break free out of the confines of the darkness. The seedling’s journey through the dark becomes full of obstructions.
We encounter a rock, and we must pivot. We encounter an established root, and we must change course. We make our way through the cold soil, and we must adapt. We then encounter other seedlings which have germinated, and we must decide if those seedlings are ones we can join in order to collectively free ourselves from the darkness, or if that group is on a one-way collision course with a concrete parking lot. Concurrently, if we are all germinating under a sidewalk, perhaps it would take all of us to make a crack in convention, so that we all can be free. Discuss.
It is here where we must stay true to our convictions, our intentions, and the original purpose for our being planted and germinating in the first place! Do we follow the other seedlings or blaze our own trail? If we believe our path to be true, do we encourage others to follow us or do we let them find their own path? Maybe we have already found a crack in the pavement.
These questions are important in this season… How do we adapt to changes? How can we come up against obstruction and adapt, modify, and keep ourselves moving forward? How do we maintain strength in following our unique path amidst the temptation of following everyone else? How can we use our sovereign genius and intellect to encourage the healthiest change possible? How do we stay true to ourselves if our choices are different from the collective? Concurrently, how can we as a collective break through into the healthiest reality for all?
With this New Moon, let’s set an intention for maintaining our individual truth, while we allow others the freedom of their choices. Let’s celebrate our capacity for innovation AND sustainability. Perhaps we will find a way through the darkness by following our own unique light.
Plants generally grow away from gravity’s pull and towards the light. Are you growing away from something or towards something? If we simply grow away from something, then all of our focus is on the past. If we only grow towards something, we may forget the lessons of the past. Acknowledge where you’ve been. Extract what wisdom you can from the experience. Imagine the best of all possible paths through the darkness. Pivot, adapt, and innovate. Follow your genius, and all will be well.
– Courtesy of Evolutionary Astrology with Ryan Evans
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