Starcodes week of January 10-16, 2025
Many old patterns and paths that that we once counted upon may now no longer feed us, the landscape is changing over the next few years and will take ingenuity to find new paths, but they’re out there. We’ll find new ways as the outer planets settle into new signs over the next few years, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Pluto has already shifted into Aquarius for the for the for the next few decades, Saturn and Neptune begin their shift into Aries in the spring. Already we see the fires, heat, and heated tempers changing our landscape, but behind this can be an Aries rebirth. Los Angeles on fire is a hellish symbol, but some new form will rise out of the ashes. It will take mutual support, camaraderie, clear sight, brainstorming, and experimentation for all of us to find healthy new landscapes.
Real and intense communication, not conspiracy theories, will be essential as this weekend begins under a nervy, verbal Gemini Moon. Look for a beautiful Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini, in the east just after sunset. Let it open the mind and help conversation flow; brainstorm great ideas and laugh at whatever lightens the heart. Our minds will benefit from this spaciousness, it can be too easy to think we are stuck, or our options are limited these days.
Early next week we get deep and real under a full Moon in Cancer, but let’s be careful to not engage in dueling defenses. Close the week out by reaching out through self-promotion, generosity, connection under an extroverted Leo Moon. While most of us will just feel energized as the Sun approaches an opposition to Mars, that strange streak of accidents, rebellion, and explosions can still leak out. Ongoing conflict can hit a flashpoint, so let’s choose our battles carefully, and choose safety and collaboration wherever it is an option.
For more about the year ahead, see my yearly overview in the 2025 We’Moon calendar
Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay
Friday, January 10: Life can feel over the top, too much of some things, not enough of others. Our nerves can wind up, but we don’t need to go there. Direct thoughts carefully; like a dog, our minds will behave if we can tire them out constructively. Look for possibilities, have hopeful talks, make contacts, extend help, send newsletters as the Moon approaches a conjunction with Jupiter. That lunar conjunction glows beautifully in the night sky and offers hope. We can grow more serious, cranky, or tire early as the Moon squares Saturn tonight, but will relax better when some important work feels completed.
Moon square Venus 7:17 AM, Moon conjunct Jupiter 3:00 PM, Moon square Saturn 8:15 PM.
Saturday, January 11: We can spin our wheels, talk a lot and say little, as that busy, peripatetic, talkative Gemini Moon squares Neptune. Our attention and thoughts can feel scattered or distracted by recent events. Let the mind wander where it needs to, enjoy the wandering rather than get frustrated. Pay extra attention to transportation issues and breathe fresh air, our lungs could need extra care. A good dinner with camaraderie and comfort foods furthers. The mood grows more subdued tonight as the Moon enters Cancer, don’t take it personally if people appear to pull into themselves.
Moon square Neptune 5:03 PM, Moon enters Cancer 9:23 PM.
Sunday, January 12: They’re not pulling away from you, they are pulling back inside themselves. The Cancer Moon with a Mars-Neptune trine can call us to the fairy lands, keep us in bed, or ask us to introspect. But we can get crabby or fly to battle stations easily if we don’t feel safe. Dream productively and speak kindly. Emotional conundrums and world events build momentum.
Moon opposed Neptune 7:52 AM, Mars trine Neptune 2:15 PM, Moon square Venus 2:56 PM.
Monday, January 13: A full Moon in Cancer can bring a high tide of feelings of all types; but they can grow more energized argumentative or self-protective tonight as that Moon conjuncts Mars. Be aware of an apparent conflict between our work or calling, and out homelife and need for safety and support- illuminated by this full Moon; we need both, and in their healthy form, our work and home life support one another. Don’t get caught in a judgmental loop or focus on who is right or wrong, ask what can be changed or adjusted; use discontent to power good changes as the Sun trines Uranus. Insecurity brings out the worst in us, so give worthy people the loving reassurance they need to step out of their armor and into their heart.
Moon trine Saturn 12:29 AM, Sun trine Uranus 1:13 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 2:21 PM, Moon opposed Sun 3:26 PM, Moon conjunct Mars 8:47 PM, Moon trine Neptune 9:45 PM.
Tuesday, January 14: After some moody dreams or early morning drama as the Moon enters expressive Leo and opposes Pluto, for many people it can be a creative and heart-centered day. Our sensitive emotions flow as Venus squares Jupiter, charity calls on our generosity. Be honest about a new ambition and take responsibility for making it so. But there are places where tension builds; Engage life fully but stay reasonably safe and away from unnecessary drama.
Moon enters Leo 2:11 AM, Moon opposed Pluto 4:52 AM, Venus square Jupiter 12:47 PM, Moon sextile Jupiter 11:58 PM.
Wednesday, January 15: A limit needs to be set, a statement made, or goal declared, but nothing needs to be blown up in the process, though we may feel like it, as the Sun opposes Mars. It can look like our goals clash, as if for us to win, they have to lose, but that is an illusion. Let’s define success on our own terms, our own paradigm, and follow through. If feeling accident-prone, slow down and make life a dance of attention.
Sun opposed Mars 7:38 PM, Moon square Uranus 9:09 PM.
Thursday, January 16: Conversations can run on skew lines; track carefully what their intentions are and what they mean rather than jump to conclusions as verbal Mercury quincunx Jupiter. Pay attention to the throwaways, to the side slips, people reveal their intentions unintentionally. The Virgo Moon helps us refine our work and sharpens our critical thinking skills but can also bring a more brittle edge and a tendency to be hard on ourselves. Go gently, garden life well.
Mercury quincunx Jupiter 5:50 AM, mood enters Virgo 9:45 AM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins