Starcodes week of January 24-30, 2025
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
All the planets but the Moon are now arrayed in half the sky, a giant glowing bowl, and that can leave our world feeling lopsided, building momentum in one direction. This will change, but for the next few weeks let’s make an extra effort to balance our own perspectives and work towards a desperately needed global balance.
This week’s aspects echo both on a very personal level, as Venus lingers close to Saturn in sensitive Pisces, and on a collective and communal level where the Sun and Mercury paint the zeitgeist of our time as they conjunct Pluto, the symbol of mortal questions and the use and abuse of power, in collective socio-political Aquarius. The Sun conjunct Pluto on the inauguration, the birth chart of this administration, and Mercury enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto on Wednesday.
Those Pluto conjunctions can reveal intentions, point out consequences, and help us see what’s missing, which can help make better decisions in the future but leave us temporarily overwhelmed or depressed. It’s all too easy to spin hopeless stories. Rather than believe that Pluto story- look farther; Pluto always calls us to transform, to look for the rebirth on the other side.
Pluto asks that we acknowledge feelings but don’t wallow; stay in the present moment with our concerns rather than tell ourselves story about the future from this position. That would be like trying to see the horizon when we’re looking out in a basement window. We can’t see far ahead, but while we’re down here in Pluto’s basement, there’s work to be done. Blame is a waste of this time, but here we can fix foundations and clean out the detritus, get ready to rebuild.
Pluto explores and explodes the dynamics of power- who’s got it, who doesn’t, how do we empower ourselves without becoming oppressive ourselves. The answer is found in that Aquarian connection, in an egalitarian circle. Find like minds, find those working on the issues that bother us, and collaborate. Remember that a real solution works for all.
Floating over these big picture questions is a layer of sensitive feelings and a call for spiritual responsibility as Venus in Pisces pulls away from a conjunction with serious Saturn and approaches a conjunction with Neptune next week. Mars retrograde in self-protective Cancer exacerbates a reactionary-protective mode; we may want to curl up in our safe den or want to return to a different time in history or seek self-protective revenge.
Our sweetest relationships can be fed this week as Venus and Mars trine; where we can make each other’s hearts feel safe, we create a deeply nourishing pool. Be fed by this flood of Venus and Mars in water signs. This can be an appreciative romantic aspect, or it can nurture the sparks of new friendships. Or it can amp up our expectations and make us feel disappointed in everybody. It’s up to us how we use this tender inner flame.
Sunday and early in the week the Capricorn Moon asked us to get to work, we can get more uncomfortable or depressed if we don’t feel like there’s at least there’s some place that we’re making progress. Clean a drawer, exercise, make progress on any work already in place.
Mercury conjuncts Pluto on Wednesday near the new Moon in Aquarius and can signal a turn. Finish the week by reaching out, submitting proposals, make a difference after the new Moon marks a new cycle.
For more about the year ahead, see my yearly overview in the 2025 We’Moon calendar
Friday, January 24: Anger flashes easily, we react to recent decisions and declarations as Mercury pulls away from its opposition to Mars and approaches Pluto. The Sagittarius Moon can simplify; in the name of being honest, people can oversimplify and miss truth’s more subtle layers. Notice tension where we feel trapped or stuck, but positivity where we can move forward, and sweetness where we feel safe. It can feel good to get out and about tonight, just watch for the dangers of excess as the Moon opposes Jupiter. It furthers to dance, move, or make local trips.
Moon sextile Pluto 1:01 AM, Moon sextile Sun 6:55 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 7:45 PM.
Saturday, January 25: One side of us probably wants action this disjointed morning, the other side would like to stay curled up cozy and safe. Midday it’s easy to work at cross purposes, so take extra time to communicate and coordinate. Make sure everyone’s running on the same page. Later, we could feel tender and want to act on what the heart believes as Venus trines Mars in sensitive water signs. Tend personal relationships, do not take them for granted. Nurture new sparks of connection.
Moon square Saturn 5:50 AM, Moon square Venus 4:33 PM, Venus trine Mars 4:53 PM.
Sunday, January 26: Morning can start off with a belligerent streak or a desire to try to control our environment as the Moon heads into determined Capricorn. Later a more idealistic and spiritual note can bring a sense of hope or vision, an experimental quality, as Mercury sextiles Neptune while Venus sextiles Uranus. Believe things can be different. Make something beautiful.
Moon square Neptune 2:39 AM, Moon enters Capricorn 6:42 AM, Mercury sextile Neptune 11:32 AM, Venus sextile Uranus 4:11 PM.
Monday, January 27: Be a policy wonk; think about personal policies, philosophies, and reason for living, think about the big picture and ponder how our lives can be more truly in line. Just keep head and heart connected as Mercury enters theoretical Aquarius under an ambitious, diligent Capricorn Moon. Rein in a critical or accidental edge tonight as that Moon opposes Mars, say nothing unforgivable. Instead, cheer on compassionate competence.
Moon sextile Saturn 1:32 PM, Mercury enters Aquarius 7:52 PM, Moon opposed Mars 9:52 PM.
Tuesday, January 28: Use this morning’s relatively friendly efficiency to get things done. Hold the heart gently through tough news or potential discouragement midday as the Moon conjuncts Pluto. Do not prophesize the future by how we feel today; make adjustments but know that now we can see problems more clearly than answers. Be there for one another in the best of ways.
Moon trine Uranus 12:41 AM, Moon sextile Venus 2:52 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 8:48 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 12:31 PM, Moon conjunct Mercury 2:45 PM, Moon conjunct Pluto 3:55 PM.
Wednesday, January 29: Intentions and plans become clear, endings are easier to see than beginning and can ooze depression as Mercury and Pluto conjunct and echo last week’s Sun-Pluto conjunction. Let’s be careful what we say, but truly listen, as people will reveal their true intentions. Be ready to speak up for the good guys. Look for depth and purpose beyond what we can presently see. Moods and perspectives shift by dinner time as the new Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter and hints of turning points, a crack of blue in an otherwise cloudy sky.
Mercury conjunct Pluto 12:52 AM, Moon conjunct the Sun 5:35 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 8:08 AM.
Thursday, January 30: A shift in the wind could bring or a chaotic moment as Uranus turns direct, bringing both a sense of urgency, uncertainty, and a potential breath of fresh air or determination. Assess the shift and listen for what’s needed now as the Moon enters Pisces this afternoon. Our emotions can feel raw, go gently, stay present, and watch for odd silver linings.
Moon square Uranus 4:28 AM, Uranus turns direct 9:22 AM, Moon enters Pisces 3:52 PM, Sun trine Jupiter 3:58 PM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins