Starcodes: January 3-9


Starcodes week of January 3-9, 2025

Be kind to tender hearts, choose battles carefully, and get back to work on some long-range plans. This week brings both conflict and industriousness, confusion, and a more sensitive emotional environment.

Behind the fresh New Year’s action, keep an eye out for strange accidents, attacks, and notice a new map of arising conflicts sketching out the rough terrain of the coming year. Tension or transformation that started in November, needs work now even though it won’t be resolved for months or years. Militant, willful Mars opposed Pluto early in November, just in time for the election, now retrogrades opposite Pluto again this week, and will oppose Pluto one more time in April.

It’s easy to see these conflicts in sweeping political terms, but this tension could be interpersonal or internal, acting out some tension between our desires or between our goals and some harsh reality. But remember tension isn’t always bad, it can be the motivation, the combustion engine that gets us places.

Venus is now in perceptive, creative, Pisces and on Monday, Mars backs into sensitive, defensive Cancer early next week, and our emotional patterns move from relatively outgoing over the holidays to a more sensitive, self-protective, and relatively introspective phase in the weeks ahead. It will be tempting to overeat emotionally, which can add fuel to the fire, but it’s even more important now to keep our eyes on the prize, to imagine a place beyond the conflict.

Friday can outline our work ahead and remind us of what we’ve learned over the recent weeks as Mars squares Pluto. This weekend brings a sensitive Pisces Moon and a series of irritating quincunx and semi-sextiles, where our needs and actions can act at cross purposes unless we slow down and expand our vision. It will further take time off and take care of the soul, step into kindness and remember that connection can help us handle the work ahead.

Next week begins with sparks under an Aries Moon, time to jump back into the flow of our life and the work ahead. Just make sure the read is clear, and so is the mind as Mercury squares Neptune, we may need to deal with alternate realities, wild weather and wild stories that make no logical sense. Mercury enters more rigorous-thinking Capricorn on Wednesday and encourages clear plans.

For more about the year ahead, see my yearly overview in the 2025 We’Moon calendar

Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay

Friday, January 3: Note patterns which come into focus as Mars squares Pluto under a tender Pisces Moon, though we don’t have to deal with them all right now, we can see the tension points for the coming year. Watch for wild cards at midday. Nerves wind up, unexpected events occur, opinions and needs can run on skew lines as Mercury quincunx Uranus and Venus quincunx Mars, and Venus semi-sextile Pluto. Let this friction point to uncomfortable truths but don’t take it personally. We can turn any ambient anxiety into sandpaper or use it to accomplish. Tonight, we may just want to escape for a bit.

Mars opposes Pluto at 12:21 AM MST, the Moon enters Pisces 8:20 AM, the Moon conjuncts Venus 9:20 AM, Mercury quincunx Uranus 12:18 PM, Venus quincunx Mars 4:41 PM, Venus semi-sextile Pluto 10:46 PM.

Saturday, January 4: Still waters run deep on this thoughtful day as the Pisces Moon conjuncts serious Saturn while the Sun sextiles Saturn. Let’s tend our Saturn stories, we may want to hold still, to tap into history or sense of purpose, or feel old and need to think about our responsibilities and plans to feel safe and secure. Be kind to joints and bones. Tonight, journey into something that is both a fantasy and fantastically familiar.

Moon square Jupiter 6:33 AM MST, Moon sextile Sun 9:31 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 9:56 AM, Sun sextile Saturn 3:35 PM.

Sunday, January 5: After a sleepy or dreamy morning, restlessness picks up and the situation sparks as the Moon enters Aries around noon. We will want decisions and action plans, but don’t tell us what to do. And don’t try to hold people back if they’ve got places to go and things to do. Watch a rising irritation level and don’t take it out on others, ask what really needs to be done instead. A spontaneous moment does wonders for the mood.

Moon sextile Uranus 12:55 AM MST, Moon square Mercury 4:57 AM, Moon conjunct Neptune 7:29 AM, Moon enters Aries 12:00 PM, Moon trine Mars 12:24 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 2:05 PM.

Monday, January 6: Today can be rather frustrating, two steps forward and one back. We have some clean-up work to do, but let’s not get caught in a feisty rehash of difficult times as retrograde Mars backs into self-protective Cancer. Stay present and awake even though a Mercury-Neptune square can leave us either intuitive, inspired, dreamy, or lost in a false narrative. Let’s stay out of other people’s strange dreams and listen within to our personal muse.

retrograde Mars enters Cancer 3:43 AM, Mercury square Neptune 6:55 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 9:36 AM, Moon trine the Sun 4:56 PM.

Tuesday, January 7: Morning brings momentum -if short attention span- but a good time to plow through errands. This afternoon the Moon enters Taurus, squares Pluto, and encourages us to slow down and take care of material concerns; we may need time in our bodies, tending health, movement, comfort. Talk about finances and material possessions with gentleness, if hackles rise or a fear of lack haunts, breathe together, and try the discussion later. Later, we can get easily irritated or accident-prone as Mercury quincunx Mars, watch that snappy comment and pay extra attention to safety.

Moon trine Mercury 1:48 PM MST, Moon square Mars 2:15 PM, Moon enters Taurus 3:10 PM, Moon square Pluto 5:21 PM, Mercury quincunx Mars 5:27 PM.

Wednesday, January 8: Build momentum as thoughtful Mercury enters goal-oriented Capricorn. If a new determination to dig teeth into our real work makes us irritable or depressed, we’ll feel better when we have a map forward; our minds feel better with a concrete plan and evidence that we can get somewhere. Prepare proposals, send in resumes and applications. Just watch where the mind fixates.

Moon sextile Venus 12:25 AM MST, Mercury enters Capricorn 3:29 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 4:56 PM, Moon trine the Sun 11:52 PM.

Thursday, January 9: Morning brings more grounded considerations. Do not believe a potential wave of depression but do pay attention to a new understanding of a fixable problem. Fine tune small decisions and consider practical alternatives, make important decisions, and listen for important announcements as Mercury in Capricorn quincunx Pluto and squares the nodal axis. The evening buzzes as Moon enters verbal Gemini and trines Pluto.

Mercury quincunx Pluto 1:47 AM MST, Moon conjunct Uranus 6:59 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 1:45 PM, Moon sextile Mars 3:49 PM, Moon enters Gemini 6:06 PM, Moon trine Pluto 8:24 PM.


Provided by Heather Roan Robbins

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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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