Welcome 2025 January Tarot Forecast


Tarot Forecast by Kate Mura of Group Tarot

A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each forecast is intended to help you create your b.e.s.t. world.

Partial content copyright 2025 Group Tarot. Used with permission.Group Tarot reading with Kate Mura


Welcome 2025!

I hope you all have had a lovely holiday season, what a true Christmahanukkwanza we had this year! Along with a potent Black Moon. Sorry we missed posting December’s video here. It’s up on YouTube if you’re curious.

I’m currently working on the book for The Theatre Oracle Deck, co-created with my I.A.T.S.E. union sister Dana West. Please follow our Instagram at thetheatreoracledeck

This year, I’m pulling a TTO card for each month.

For January 2025 we are given, Coffee.

This grayscale image shows a counter with an empty stainless steel coffee pot, a stack of white paper disposable coffee mugs – coffee tub & a box of filters tucked behind – and two stainless steel, black press top coffee dispensers open, ready to receive coffee. Far right, a little bit of a wooden slat drying rack peeks out, far left a full outlet and cords peek over. On the concrete wall the lower portion of a wooden framed mirror reflects the top of the silver press top coffee dispenser, and has a black & white label reading “please do not.” There is also a label on the front side of the counter “Group Serving Stuffs.”

Welcome 2025 tarot card by Kate Mura

Wake up! January is a month to wake up. Wake up to reality, wake up to how much dependence you place on certain things – do you need that morning coffee daily? That drink when you come home? Why? Are you overworked? Disgruntled and just making due? Unsure of what else to do so stay in the routine you know?

January could be time to take a break.

Take a sabbatical. A vacation. Make sure you get all your contractually included breaks: my union takes them all together, 15 min after 2 – 2.5 hrs. worked. This is fantastic for many reasons:

  • Built in social time with co-workers
  • As all the workers are on break, it is easier for the road crew – who have different contractual obligations – to also take a break.
  • Our productivity is boosted by taking breaks. Research shows this: https://hbr.org/2023/05/how-to-take-better-breaks-at-work-according-to-research I also agree from personal experience. I know I’m a safer, smarter human after a break.
  • Time to get away from co-workers. Sometimes I take my coffee break in an empty hallway to lie on the floor with my legs up the wall. Reset my spine, take pressure off my knees & hips, get away from that conspiracy theory motormouth I don’t have the spoons to engage with. Find a few minutes of blissful silence. Maybe even a micro nap.
  • I love a micro nap. I know this isn’t for every body or neurotype –https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/short-naps-have-major-benefits-for-your-mind/ – but they’re some of my favorites! I really do feel refreshed after a 5 min nap in many situations (towards the end of an all night load out isn’t one of them, but that’s definitely a time my body wants a secluded, quiet hallway for legs up the wall pose. No alarm needed as our steward calls us back to work very loudly.)

I’m currently reading The Creative Alchemy Cycle by Sarah Greenman. One of the things she describes & teaches, is something I’ve done for decades, and find to be some of my most productive times; she calls it intentional puttering.

Interestingly, the light quality really changed writing this. It went from a cool misty grey to a very warm golden. Clouds are parting south of my window…

In this photograph, disposable coffee mugs are in the foreground. Stacked, white, and centered, with a cabinet label “Group Serving Stuffs” just visible at the bottom of the card.

One of the things I do I use a re-useable mug. I bring one to job sites. At this particular theatre, there are about 10 actual coffee mugs, so sometimes I use – and wash – one. Rarely, I use a disposable mug.

I don’t know why we don’t have compostable coffee mugs. I’m not in charge of purchasing coffee supplies. The employer brings those.

The golden light has disappeared and the light outside my window is back to a thin overcast…

The golden light came out when thinking about intentional puttering. Having time in my day to do what I want. Or “nothing”. Or something for 5 minutes and put it down easily if I find I don’t really want to do that. Or finish that book, realize I’ve been walking for 2 hours, or have a completely re-organized pantry.

The golden light went away when I went back to typing about coffee breaks & supplies. Which in some ways “I don’t know why we don’t have compostable coffee mugs. I’m not in charge of purchasing coffee supplies. The employer brings those” is passing the buck of responsibility. If I want a healthier, sustainable world as I do, I can take responsibility. I can ask for compostable products to be purchased. At next contract negotiations, I can request language around “healthier for people and planet” be added to our coffee & meal break language.

But the golden light also went away when I stopped thinking about my personal, fully unhindered flow, to go back to my IATSE stagehand structure…

So, in January, or whenever you read this, when are you in your fully unhindered, content flow and when are you making the best out of your current situation? Can you take a break from the latter to enjoy the former? (I easily get confused with latter and former. Former is the First in the list, Latter is the Last).

Do something you love every day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes?

Enjoy a warm beverage with friends or colleagues?

Have the space prepared so that when the need arises you’ll be able to caffeinate a large group of people easily.

You can find Group Tarot’s upcoming events here linktr.ee/katemura

All the b.e.s.t. and see you next month!
Kate Mura signature

*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.


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Kate Mura
Group Tarot is a unique form of group facilitation that opens the mind to new possibilities. A surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, and other groups to shift or shake up your culture, get new perspectives, and provide a captivating experience for employees, teams, and other collectives to interact in a profound, engaging way. In short, it’s a mind blowing experience that blends mindfulness, theatrical presentation, and self exploration.


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