
Jennifer Galvin-Anderson

Jennifer Galvin-Anderson, M.A., found her calling as a Holistic Life Consultant & Healer through her own experiences of overcoming health adversities. As a result of those experiences, Jennifer finds great passion in assisting you with taking charge of your Health and Well-Being so that you can Live Well! Jennifer received her Masters degree in Holistic Health from St. Catherine University in 2008, and she received further training in Reiki, Healing Touch, Life Coaching and Spiritual Guidance. In 2011, Jennifer received training in the Young Living Essential Oils Raindrop Technique and Emotional Release Facilitation. Through a combination of Holistic Life Consulting, Energy Healing, and the use of Young Living Essential Oils, Jennifer assists you as a channel of Love and Light, empowering and inspiring you to accept the healing that is already within you.