
Niánn Emerson Chase

Niánn Emerson Chase grew up on four different Native American reservations in the southwestern United States. After earning her Bachelor's Degree in Literature/English and Education, she returned to the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona where she lived and taught for fifteen years. In 1989, Niánn co-founded Global Community Communications Alliance, which is now a 100+ member intentional community and working EcoVillage in southern Arizona in the historic southwest towns of Tubac and Tumacácori. Within the community, Niánn Emerson Chase serves as the Director of the Global Community Communications Schools for Adults, Teens and Children, and she serves on the Board of Elders and as a pastor. She is emerging as a world-renowned spiritual leader, published author, educator and activist. Her spiritual-based philosophies and peace-motivated efforts have positively impacted countless individuals worldwide, enriching their own personal growth, while fostering life-giving city, state and national policies.