Peter Vegso, Dadi Janki & Kelly Johnson
Peter Vegso is an entrepreneur and pioneer of self-help publishing, best known for being the original publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Feeling Great, Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment (HCI Books), is a fascinating and complete guidebook that offers a simple blueprint for a lifelong embodiment of true contentment. Feeling Great is available at, and many bookstores.
Dadi Janki is a woman of wisdom. Her life's journey has been a fulfillment of her early childhood longing to know and come close to God. Dadi was born in 1916 in India and had no formal education beyond the age of 14. At the age of 21, she joined the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and has dedicated her life to the spiritual service of others. She became one of the few active women spiritual leaders just following India's independence, traveling throughout India, teaching self-reliance and empowering women to become leaders in their communities. Dadi is one of the Wisdom Keepers, an eminent group of spiritual leaders convened at United Nations conferences, and founder and president of the Janki Foundation for Global Health care and vice president of the World Congress of Faiths.
Kelly Johnson has worked in the publishing industry for many years reading, selling and marketing other people's books. When the opportunity to write Feeling Great with Peter Vegso and Dadi Jankli came along, it was an unexpected honor. Johnson gratefully lives near the sea in Satellite Beach, Florida, writing and doing the work she loves.