Randy Zarecki
Randy Zarecki, BS, ACPT, NASM, ASCM, has been in the Health Fitness Industry for more than 25 years. Passionate about health and fitness his entire life, Randy competed favorably in dozens of physique contests. He first started helping others reach their health and fitness goals back in 1985 before personal training even existed. Now an AFPA Advanced Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and ACSM member, Randy has helped hundreds of people reach their health and fitness goals with his extensive expertise. An author and speaker, Randy has been a frequent guest on the KARE 11 Today show as a Fitness Expert, and is producer of 50 Exercises for 50 Bucks, an interactive exercise DVD. He owns and operates Fitness Together franchises in St. Paul's Highland Park, Northeast Minneapolis and Uptown, and they boast a distinctive environment, unlike other franchises. While clients range from 12 to 80, Fitness Together has a unique appeal to a highly focused niche of busy professional people primarily 45-65 years old who want healthier lifestyles, stronger bodies and longer lives. Visit www.ftmsp.com. Copyright © 2008 Randy Zarecki. All Rights Reserved.