
Self-Realization Fellowship

Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) has been dedicated to disseminating the Kriya Yoga teachings of its founder, Paramahansa Yogananda, for 100 years — helping people worldwide to realize their highest potential and deepest joy. He created the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons as a modern-day means by which the techniques of the Kriya Yoga science would be transmitted in their full power from guru to students, regardless of distance. Today, SRF (together with Yogoda Satsanga Society, the name by which Yogananda's work is known in India) has more than 800 locations encircling the globe, with members in almost 200 countries. Excerpts from The Science of Religion by Paramahansa Yogananda are reprinted with permission from Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, California, www.yogananda.org.