

Why I am Vegan

My mother adopted a 7-month old Yorkie a few years ago and I instantly fell in love with her. Before my mom brought this playful, cuddly, little fluff ball into our home, I had...

Not Missing the Meat

Did I ever imagine I would become a tree hugger? Someone who talks about energy and stuff? A person who considers disease your body's way of communicating discord? Ten years ago, never in a...

Conscious Consumerism: Responsible Choices As We Ascend

An incredible amount of evidence exists for the support of a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. We could go into living a life free of animal cruelty, the health aspect, or the humanitarian route. We...

Why I Am Vegan

My idea of living with a vegan lifestyle is that I don't consume any dairy or animal products. As someone once said, "If it has a face or a mother, I don't eat or...

Our World as a Soup Bowl

A battle of comments ensued under my recent Facebook posting: Hate crimes got you down?! If you still eat meat, then you are part of the problem. My vegan friends understood the post and...

Vegan vs. Vegetarian

I have, only recently, begun eating a more vegetarian diet when I decided to break up with my prior food relationship to begin a new one. I realized the former food relationship was dragging...

Why I am Vegan

It was unbelievable for my family and friends to digest the fact that a crazy meat-lover who once relished eating roasted Chicken Drumsticks, Hakka Chilli Chicken or sautéed Tilapia fish quit eating animal meat...

Food First: A go-to salad for greens, fiber

Spring has sprung and everything is coming up green! This is the perfect time to take a cue from Mother Nature and get more greens into your daily eating. I love to sneak them...

Food First | A Spring Cleansing for the Body

As spring arrives, I am always thinking about cleansing and preparing my body for the warmer upcoming months. It's like a spring cleaning for your body! Check out this smoothie recipe that I have...

Restocking the Pharmacy of the Body

The ever-expanding pharmacopeia of time-tested techniques, natural remedies and alternative pain killers is a complicated skein of dos and don'ts that would tangle any health wizard's weave. For example, if you're like me, you still...

Meditation…or Why I put that in my Herbal Tea

I love to meditate. Taking time each day to center myself helps me to fulfill the roles I have taken on in life, from parenting and spouse, to herbalist to business owner, to someone...

Food First: Vegetables Ripe for Skewering

What makes August great is the abundance of vegetables in the garden and still plenty of long summer days left to grill! Of course, there also are plenty of fun, summer activities, so I...

Remember, It’s the Greening of your Body

AloHA! (This is translated as "breath of life!" in Hawaiian -- Alo = life and Ha = breath.) Beginning with that greeting for an article on greening of your body feels especially apropos. Take...

Riverplace Market is new on the Minneapolis Riverfront

A new community based farmer's and artisan market, Riverplace Market -- operating from 3-7 p.m. on Wednesdays through the end of September, is located on the cobblestone courtyard of Riverplace, on the beautiful historic...

Food First: A Healthy Pasta Dish for Summer

Want to go dairy-free, but still crave a creamy texture? Want to go gluten-free, but still crave pasta? I've got you covered with this very fresh dish that you can make with a few...

Spirit Leaves: Holistic Heaven for the Newly Converted

Healthy eating is not a new concept: like any major religious movement, it has merely undergone a revival. Inspired by this month's subtitled reference to the "newly converted," I've exploited religious metaphors to illuminate...

Tips on Holistic Food Shopping for the Newly Converted

Have you ever gone to the grocery store or local co-op without your grocery list or just decided to swing by on the way home from work? It is more convenient to be prepared,...