

Recipe: Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe HUMMUS IS SURPRISINGLY EASY to prepare. It contains protein, healthy fat and vegetables, making it a powerful combination for a high-quality snack. Enjoy with whole grain crackers or raw vegetables. Ingredients 2...

Sound Bites: Nutrition, Eggs and the Lives of Chickens

Have you ever been at the grocery store and wondered which eggs to buy? Navigating the egg section, with all of the various labels, can be downright confusing! If you love eggs, then you...

Food First | A Spring Cleansing for the Body

As spring arrives, I am always thinking about cleansing and preparing my body for the warmer upcoming months. It's like a spring cleaning for your body! Check out this smoothie recipe that I have...

Restocking the Pharmacy of the Body

The ever-expanding pharmacopeia of time-tested techniques, natural remedies and alternative pain killers is a complicated skein of dos and don'ts that would tangle any health wizard's weave. For example, if you're like me, you still...

Eating Out Organically

Recently I was scheduled to have dinner with my friend Julia. As is our usual routine, we begin by debating whether we should eat out or if we should cook in. This debate arises...

Recipe: Perfect Pot Roast

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe THERE ARE MANY RECIPES for a pot roast, but I chose this one based on its simplicity of ingredients and its adaptability to cooking methods, especially the...

Recipe: Swiss Chard Frittata

This breakfast is an easy way to eat more greens. It has a surprisingly sweet flavor. Make it on a Sunday and enjoy during the week. Ingredients 1 TBS coconut or olive oil 1 small onion, chopped 1...

Food First: A go-to salad for greens, fiber

Spring has sprung and everything is coming up green! This is the perfect time to take a cue from Mother Nature and get more greens into your daily eating. I love to sneak them...

Diet: The Cornerstone of Health

DR. ANDREW WEIL SAID, "A healthy diet is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle." Take a moment to reflect on this statement. A cornerstone provides strength to a structure, so it makes perfect sense...

We’ve Come a Long Way

"Find us some real yogurt!" was my admonishment from Lori Zuidema, who was then a manager at Seward Food Co-op. In 1974, the only yogurts on a Minneapolis grocery shelf were "Glamour" and "Dr. Gaymont's."...

The Five Best Ways to Detox Your Liver

The word "detoxification" is almost becoming a household word. We are better understanding why "detoxing" is more important than ever. Those who are more sensitive than others to toxins have a particularly daunting task to...

Five Lessons the Earth taught me about Love

I am on a journey. A journey of discovery. Of heart and of food. My journey is quite literally taking me on a cross-country adventure in search of earth inspiration. I have stepped away...

Five Steps to Overcoming a Food Addiction

You know the food you’re eating is bad for you — you just can’t stop eating it. You have a food addiction and you’re not alone. Millions of people also are suffering. This is the...

Recipe: Summer Vegetable Soup

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe: Summer Vegetable Soup THIS SOUP MARRIES the flavors of summer's best vegetables. The bacon adds a lovely rich flavor while the corn adds sweetness. In summer, I prefer my...

Food First: A Single Option to Satisfy your Taste

Want a quick, yummy, nutritious option for lunch or dinner? Of course you do! I love to create one bowl meals that are just that. Instead of making dinner a huge production, just toss...

Celebrate each day the Ayurvedic Way

Life brings us big and small celebrations along the way. Some celebrations are landmark events where we may reach a goal, land that promotion, marry, rejoice in the arrival of a new child, or...

Remember, It’s the Greening of your Body

AloHA! (This is translated as "breath of life!" in Hawaiian -- Alo = life and Ha = breath.) Beginning with that greeting for an article on greening of your body feels especially apropos. Take...