
The Intuitive Arts

Answers Within: Contacting Your Inner Voice

"The answer lies within." We hear it from the loftiest spiritual teachers to heavy metal bands like Dream Theater, but how do you do it? Often shrouded in mystery, it's had many names: clairaudience,...

Thriving with Intuition: From Moosh to Butterfly

Using your intuition may serve a greater good than you know. Einstein taught us that a problem cannot be solved by the mind that created it. To get humanity on to its next level...

Incubating Your Dream…

Is there a dream tugging at your coattails in which you are having a hard time connecting or communicating with? Do you feel the dream offers a message you are unable to receive? Or...

Intuition: My Father and Pheasants

Sometimes my intuition informs me of the next right step through a knowingness, through a still, small voice in my heart or through a physical sensation. Sometimes intuition shows up in odd, synchronistic ways....

How I Use My Intuition

"The truth is more important than the facts." -- Frank Lloyd Wright Intuition guides my daily path. I embrace intuition because of the good things it has brought into my life. When my intuition says...

The Brighterlife Project: Intuitive Living for Beginners

Beaten, bloated, stupid and being taken advantage of, living a life of complete excess, I decided to change my life. I began by viewing my lifestyle through the eyes of a stranger. Applying shamanism to...

The Bear

My most vivid dream memory from childhood is a recurring dream. Because of my age, and what I would later learn, I had no idea this dream was something of great importance and a...

Sister connection: Reading between the words

My little sister, the youngest of seven siblings, has Down Syndrome. She is 47 years old and lives in a supervised setting and is very happy with her life. She has a job, lots of...

Moonlight & Magic expo coming in April

Moonlight and Magic, a new fantasy-themed expo of psychics, healers and energy workers, will debut on Saturday, April 21, at Cambria Suites in Maple Grove, MN, with hands-on and interactive classes throughout the event. Admission...

Incubating Your Dream…

Is there a dream tugging at your coattails in which you are having a hard time connecting or communicating with? Do you feel the dream offers a message you are unable to receive? Or...

The Joy of Collaboration

Working with others can be a challenge, as well as rewarding. Working and owning a company with three women can be even more challenging and rewarding. Having worked together for more than four years, Psychics...

Three ways to strengthen your intuition for decision making

Intuition, combined with intellect, makes a stronger decision than intellect alone. When you are making an important decision, turn on your intuition to notice something that might inform you at a deeper level than...

Compassionate dialoguing with the “spirit of place” for positive property outcomes

Everything is connected, but did you realize you could be having a more compassionate relationship to your home and your property, for the highest good of all? Everybody and everything is an inseparable part of...

An Interview with Psy-Guy – John Peterson, psychic and healer

By all stretches of the imagination, John Peterson is not what you expect for a former Navy man who worked in submarines. Yes, he has spent his work life in electronics, technology, communications, factory...

Twin Cities Psychic Symposium returns March 3, 2012 with exhibitors, speakers

Twin Cities Psychic Symposium returns on March 3, 2012, featuring 60 Exhibitors offering intuitive readings, gifts, products & resources, from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Dr.,...

Artist intuitives enlighten the Walker

Watch your intuitive powers magically grow! Marvel as you instantly connect with human beings! Uncover the deepest mysteries of art! Krystal Krunch (aka Asher Hartman and Haruko Tanaka, two Los Angeles-based artist intuitives) introduce...

A Step Away from Peace

Imagine that you are standing under a waterfall. The water pounds down on your head and shoulders and pins your feet to the ground. The steady rush of water feels good. At times, it...